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What Is This!?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by ZombiProstitute, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. me and some friends went out and bought some new shit at a smoke shop and we found dime bags with these in them with every thing we bought.

    i found this one with my ash catcher...
    WTF IS IT?

    Attached Files:

  2. glass screen. they work wonderfully. I have a few and keep all the resined up ones soaking in isopropyl and then one sitting in my bong. when it gets to res'd up (cuz they do after a few seshes) i grab one out of the iso and wipe it off and presto, fresh glass screen.
  3. Bro, keep those. They're a buck a piece at my LHS. Though if the right girl is there I get them free.
  4. Free glass screens, luckyyyyyy.
  5. Woah, I get free stickers but that's pretty nice.... I love my stickers.
  6. yep, like everyone before me is saying, it's a screen. pop the pointy end down the hole in the bowl, and it keeps ur clumsy ass from sucking ash down your pipe :p
  7. Free glass screens? Man all we get is free filters :p
  8. that my friend, is a glass screen. one of the seven wonders of the world, a glass screen is my favorite type of screen but it can get pretty dirty pretty fast
  9. DUDE! I found that shit in my bed once and was like what the fuck, did it come in a little bag with bombs on it? Red Eye Glass?

    Fuck I thought it was some crazy pill shit.
  10. [quote name='"T1S"']DUDE! I found that shit in my bed once and was like what the fuck, did it come in a little bag with bombs on it? Red Eye Glass?

    Fuck I thought it was some crazy pill shit.[/quote]

  11. iunno, I swore more than normal but I'm sober and it makes sense to me. I just randomly found one of those on my bed one day in a little baggie with bomb cartoons all over it and thought I somehow accidentally got some club pill bag with my shit. Happy to know that not only is it not unmentionables, I can use it to smoke pure kief bowls :)
  12. #13 YoSmokinMan, Dec 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2012
    I don't like them.

    They work fine with a clean piece if the screen is the right size for the bowl and that stem coming out the bottom doesn't clog the hole.

    Problem is after a few bowls they get resed up and clog your shit.

    Plus it's damn easy to forget it's in there, tap out your bowl and throw it away before you remember.

    Honestly unless the hole in your bowl is huge like 1/4"+ they are simple not needed. Even a 1/4" hole doesn't need them if you pack and hit it properly. Anything under a quarter inch absolutely no need and I've never even seen a piece with a hole that big.

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