What is this Republican pantomime? Surely Obama will win!?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Melmoth, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. Well, Obama is like the new JFK.
    Popular, intelligent, good-looking and bringing new hope to its people.
    But unlike JFK, Obama is cunning.

    The richest nation in the world ain't got no free healthcare, bro.
    China, India, France, Germany and UK have it.
    Mexico, Chile, Brazil has it.
    Even Thailand, Bhutan and Macau has universal healthcare.

    So Obama is doing something about it.

    Obama killed Bin Laden.
    Any of you know how to kill a dead man?
    Of course not! Cos the guy's already dead!

    But Obama can do it!
    Cos this guy ain't no ordinary man.
    He's rid the world of... some bearded guy in a cave.
    But hey! International terrorism ain't that easy to deal with.
    So one step at a time, folks.
    And at least he's taken that one step.

    Now, the banking crisis has shown us that banks can go too far to make money.
    So Captain Obama has been parachuted in to clean up the mess!
    You need an honest man to do this job.
    And for me, that can only be Obama.
    Not some Republican guy with lots of bank accounts.
    You want a black guy with just one bank account!

    And Obama has also cut the military budget.
    That money can now be given to hard-working Americans.
    And not some guy who owns arms companies.
    Like George Dubya!

    So what be this pantomime to find a Republican to oppose him?
    We all know Obama's gonna win!
    If I was a Republican, then I'd say 'Let that Grandaddy Ron Paul fight him'.
    Cos I'd know I was gonna lose.

    So my bet is on Obama, people.
    Can we have a better, brighter, peaceful future?

    Yes we CAN!!!
  2. Sarcasm?
  3. Don't feed the troll, don't do it don.....ahhh

    Obama is destroying everything this country was built upon. He has passed the NDAA, wanted to pass SOPA and PIPA, and is trying to push through the ECTA and the EEA.

    He has lied to the American public like a pregnant 15 yr old lies to her parents. The NDAA granted $680 billion to the military, roughly the same amount as the other NDAAs that get passed annually. If the grants remain loosely the same where are the supposed cuts?

    Obama is helping banks not the people, Obama is helping corporations not people.

    The only thing I like is universal healthcare, besides that Obama is the downfall of society.

  4. Yeah like everything he said is what I would say If I was trolling.
  5. obama is corruption, this administration is even more reckless than the last
    i aint foolin you bro, look at the past
    dont forget about operation fast and furious, part of obama's dept of justice
    if you dont know you should be curious
  6. Been drinking that koolaid much?
  7. Hey Mr. Englishman why don't you stick to screwing up your own country and leave us alone eh? In fact you can have obama if you want! Free of charge!

  8. We'll take him, pal!
    And we'll keep him!

    You can have one of our princesses.

    Take your pick!

  9. I'd totally do the one on the right.
  10. i have been horribly deceived by every fairy tale i have ever heard.

    the spell must have backfired when they kissed the frog.
  11. I think it's satire.

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