What is this on the front of my phone?

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by B ran420, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. I have always noticed my phone has these dots on the top and I know one is a camera but what the hell are the others dots. Is it a special camera feed that the govt uses to spy on us?

  2. There's a proximity sensor but I'm not sure of the others.
  3. Light sensor
  4. Camera. Proximity Auto brightness dot. And maybe the one that recognizes if you're looking at the phone or not

    Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
  5. #5 Vee, Dec 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2013
    First ones is the Nsa portal, the DOD, 3rd is Homeland also secret service 4th Nato Intel. MI5/6 French ssai, then the SVR(old KGB) there to,but hey keep changing to annoy the CIA, then the 6th or 7th, CIA then does the same to the SVR, Chinas there to but changes with each model ...thinking I shit you ...?   Wait an see ..!
     (Russian Spy Guys are : Служба Внешней Разведки Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki or SVR or Foreign Intelligence Service 
    same cat different spots) ...lol
  6. The government wants to take all 42 of your marijuanas. You must drop your identity for a new one immediately.
  7. lol they have better and more discreet ways to spy on us, most of which they are probably using right now. hi agents! wave!

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