What is the point of life?

Discussion in 'General' started by codybridges69, May 27, 2008.

  1. What is the point of trying so hard in life and learning all of this shit if you are going to die eventually and just be gone off this earth and nothing you ever did even mattered.
  2. So you can make the biggest impact on the world. You wont really die if everyone remembers you; you'll live on as a legend. Idk I'm really high so this prolly doesn't make sense.
  3. To have fun and make the most of it! Duh.
  4. To smoke as much herb as possible.
  5. To further human advancement and ensure that many generations after us will survive and flourish.
  6. whose to say you'll die and no one will remember you n u wont do shit while ur here

    you could invent somethin or some shit that may change the world forever

    everyone remembers george washington and abraham lincoln, hell, people worship jesus, and those fucks died long long ago

    there is no specific point to life, everyones point in life is different, some will die being useless worthless members of society that no one remembered, but then again some will impact the entire world

    1 man can do much more than i think you believe
  7. To add universal knowledge so that the soul may mature.

    You don't die, lights out, cease to exist. You are energy and every action you do every decision you make every experience you endure will live within YOU forever.
  8. The point of life is to enjoy existance. Most people are just too brainwashed by their fabricated reality to see what it really is.
  9. to reproduce.
  10. to fuckin go crazy go nuts
  11. Life is great and how do you know that what you do with your time on earth doesnt matter? What if there is a judgement day?
  12. I kind of have an odd view of these things. When I was younger I saw a ghost and a few years after that I saw another ghost clear as day in front of me. Its forever burned into my mind and I dont really understand what I saw (and no i dont think im crazy) but I know i saw it. So for me I get comfort from this experiance in that there is something going on around us that we dont know about.
  13. To seek pleasure
  14. there is no such thing as ghosts sir
  15. None. We are but the expression of the laws of physics which bind our world.

    Life is merely a mass self-replicator. Self-replication led to evolution, and we think we're special because we evolved, but we are really at the whim of physics, available environment and rescources.

    When faced with the utter pointlessness of life, this is what I conclude.

    I will also be, no matter how grim my view of the future and the role of humanity, ceaselessly amazed by nature.
  16. Let's not overthink this here, people. Though I do really like alot of these explanations. They make it seem alot less....mundane.

    I believe it's to fuck and then die. Procreate, then pass on.

    Just look at our friend, Mr. Fruit Fly.
  17. I think the point of life is happiness... About doing the things you love until you die.... Hopefully make an imapact on the world while your here in a positive way. I personally want to do something really big with my life... Get involved in movements and politics. Really strive to change the world for the better. In the end though... I want to die happy. Whatever makes me happy, I want just want to die happy.

    Of course... Soon, there will be time where history will be erased... Either by ourselves or a natural disaster. Who really knows though.

  18. Prove it

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