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What is the longest you have ever waited for a dealer.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Battery, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. My dealer is the only dealer in my city that has good weed. I texted him at noon and called and left him a voice mail and everything haha. I hope he didnt get arrested. :cool:
  2. days

    he mite be mia
  3. most ive had to wait is a day
    he might be out
  4. Sucks. I think im going to give him one last text and if he doesnt text back I guess ill have to smoke some reggie lmao

  5. Thats the thing. He would text and say that. I have been buying from him for like 5 years lmao
  6. Like 3 days
  7. he might be getting laid...or in the process
  8. Oh gawd, he better text back!
  9. I had to wait a full day I called in the morning and didnt get it till 2am the next day.
    I kept being told stories like need to get some more...picking it up.. three hours later still havent picked it up...etc...then finally i'll be at yours now and I then waited about three more hours
  10. IMO its more annoying when a dealer agrees to meet you then shows up hours later, rather than not picking up the phone in the first place. My brother waited 2 or 3 hours in the cold for this one dealer who said he'd be there in 10 minutes, safe to say we never went back to him.

    When it comes to waiting for my dealer to reply to my calls or texts, if he doesnt reply back instantly, I'll just assume he's busy. He'll receive a message saying I've tried to contact him and he'll get back to me when its convient for him. Once waited 2 weeks for him to get back to me, he was on holiday though which is understandable.
  11. Ok guys.. He just called me and said that his sister was having a baby.. Wtf haha anyways he gave me someone elses number lol.
  12. call him out on his bullshit !!

    who the fuck drives their sister to the hospital instead of hooking up their homie with weed?
  13. [quote name='"reggie221"']call him out on his bullshit !!

    who the fuck drives their sister to the hospital instead of hooking up their homie with weed?[/quote]

    "Yo sis i'll meet you at the hospital just gotta sell this ten sack real quick'
  14. Damn. When I first started to get into smoking I was picking up from my buddies cousin. Dirt schwag. When it only involved a small amount (dub or less) I'd get it in 15-45 minutes. But when I was trying to get 'onions' he always said he had to wait for his Guy. He let me chill and smoke over while waiting at his place, but after an hour I was like wtf. Ended up taking three days to get it, and it was more like 20gs of shitty brick weed with seeds for days.

    Things novice smokers have to go through in non medical states, damnit.
  15. I don't wait on dealers...i have more then one

    if you don't want to make money then its really not my problem... i pissed one off cause i asked one for a twin and he called me back two hours later saying he had it and i told him i already got it... lol not my problem

    don't want to take my money someone else will.

  16. your dealer sell onions too? that is handy for cooking purpose
  17. i had to wait 3 hours at a station for some guy who never showed up, i was on my way to a party and i had to leave or i would have missed sucked
  18. fukn 10 hours on some bullshit
  19. one day two friends and i just drove around literally all day and then a dealer finally wasn't busy. i swear to god we were just like "damn, we just drove around all day for this" after we finally made the pick up.

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