what is the best organic plant foods

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by jerisman, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. what would be some good foods for your plant
  2. neptunes harvest liq. fish with sea weed .
  3. ^^^^^A great all around organic fertilizer along with bone meal, blood meal, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, fish bone meal, bat/seabird guanos, feather meal, fish meal, crab/crustacean meal, cottonseed meal(make sure it's certified organic as sometimes pesticides are used), canola meal, soy meal, canola meal, cottonseed meal, linseed meal, linseed meal(flax) to name a few......all have nutritional values when amended into your soils.

    They all have varying N-P-K values, so you need to do some research to make sure you're getting a balance mixture.

    There are several minerals/mineral products that provide the trace minerals so important to vital functions of healthy plants.

    Soft rock phosphate, glacial rock dust, Azomite, Jersey Greensand, dolomite lime, sulfate of potash, magnesium sulfate (epsom salt) and diatomaceous earth are several mineral amendments that are available.

    As for composts, far and away the best IMO, are earthworm castings. There is also mushroom compost, chicken manure, steer manure, and rabbit manure. Make sure any manure you use is well composted, as fresh manure will be too hot and burn your plants.

    You can also make your own liquid fertilizer/plant food by fermenting various pllant's leaves. Google or search here for Russian Comfrey fertilizer. There are also those that use stinging nettles in much the same way, and I imagine you could use a variety of different indigenous weeds/plants to do this.

    These components all fit into the organic growing paradigm. You can certainly come up with other plant foods with a little research and some imagination.

    Welcome to Grasscity, we're here to help and get you pointed in the right direction.



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