What is God?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Zuax, Jul 2, 2002.

  1. Your thinking is almost the same with mine,and I belived in that.Our thinking and performances where all our miracles. when ever you think/dream of a place or something, you are truely there. you are eveywhere, you are in me and I am in you and everthing.you are light and darkness, you are dead and alive.there is no dead in reality, all is live. Incarnnation is too odd to apply in this word. If we talk about it it means, there is something like disappearring, which is not true. you can found you are alone in your world, what ever or where ever you watch you see your inner self.
  2. I think god is a web of thought, like the internet. How else can people do things like time warp?

  3. Asphinctersayswhat?
  4. ?How can "GoD be something "hE" created? Doesn't make sense.
  5. that's me ..and tnx guys u believe me ... :D

  6. lol i kinda get that.. and agree with it :smoke: heh

    ummm, to the guy who wrote those two long posts... you rock! lol :smoke:

    i couldn't have said it better

    ++karma headin your way ;)
  7. i can't stand to read anything more of this thread. God is an imperfect model of what Zuax is feeling. One must understand that our world has a certain flow to it, and that once set in motion it should be left to its own. An ancient greek philosopher (predating Socrates) named Empedocles once wrote that the world is much like a pulse. Once it begins things start to develop from the simple, and move into the complex. Single celled organisms become multi-celled intelligent beings, then they will destroy themselves and we will return to simplicity and oneness. This is preserved in the ideas of Tao (that's right, i'm a Taoist). You see, Tao is not a God, not a being, not an essence. It is nothing and everything, everywhere and nowhere. What is there before there is nothing? Nothing. That is Tao. It is like the empty riverbed, free of motive, want, or care. It only exists to be, and serves as a force of mediation, and cause and effect (karma comes in here). If you're looking for a way to conceptualize this, think of our world as having rules. These rules come from Tao. IE. gravity, any force studied in Physics, etc. and all things return to Tao. Taoist try not to dwell on ideas of afterlife, just as one cannot find a leaf that has floated down a river, how can one locate a soul that has drifted into the corporeal? What is important is the here and now, understanding Tao, and becomming one with it. Taoist strive towards health, happiness, and oneness. We can be one will all things, because all things come from Tao. It all somewhat difficult to understand, and i've read much of the Tao Teh Ching, The Art of War, The Tao of Pooh (yes, Winnie the Pooh is a perfect Taoist, he seeks only happiness and honey, and doesn't let the world bother him) and a book called The Scholar Warrior, and i'm still only scratching the surface of it. I hope I've helped to clear some minds. anyone I've completely confused can pm me.
  8. I believe that we are our own gods, the real soul of ourselfs is just chillen in a heaven like state. Kind of like the matrix. Its hard to explain but i had a vision of it when i was dazeing off high.
  9. we will never understand the true concept. but what we think about god is what he wants us to think of him.

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