What is God?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by get higher, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. In a logical sensible empirical/materialistic view of the universe, nothing would exist, because all matter and anti matter would be equal and cancel one another out. The process of cancelling-out is presumed to have gone on for a long long "time." Oops, just violated the laws of physics. See, at some point, at the instant of the big bang (or before) there was no time... or space for that matter. He said 'matter' uhuh uhuh.

    Some mystical schools, such as Hinduism, incorporate the concept of eternal and constant renewal into its beliefs ... Anyways, at the instant of the last big bang, there was an ***unexplainable*** shift in this perfect equilibrium between matter and anti matter. Somehow, matter had gained a slight advantage; a theoretical paradox given the system is finite and closed. As such, the physical universe came to be. A mystery, as nothing really should be. To be or not to be??

    First hand mystical experience has confirmed that there is an all pervasive and interconnected essence or spirit, and that there is a purpose behind this experience we call life. If anything, to reflect... to ex-perience... to be... Call it God, call it AllThatIs, i don't care. I'm observing, living, loving, therefore i am (another you).

    I did not write this, here's original link that it's from:


  2. i suscribe to this.

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