My glass pipe has collected tons of resin all over it and I haven't been able to smoke it off. It kind of makes the weed taste like shit so I'm looking to get it off.
Put the pipe in a ziplock plastic bag with some rubbing alcohol/isopropyl with a bit of salt and leave it to soak a min then shake and lastly rinse off when you're happy with it.
Yeah Iso and salt in a bag is the classic method that's the cheapest and just as effective as any of the fancy cleaners out there. Using q tips or pipe cleaners for those hard to reach spots of resin that won't come off as easy is also a good idea.
I really like this bag idea. Does anyone else have any interesting/clever ways of cleaning a pipe? I usually just put rubbing alcohol in a pipe, hold al the holes and then just shake it around and then do the same thing with water. Then keep alternating between the two till it gets clean. That tends to work but not all the time. So if anyone has any other ideas I'm all ears to hear about it!
Nope. I place a pipe in a zip-loc bag, cover it with 92% iso and let it soak for, perhaps, three hours. I hang it from the dish rack side, using a potato chip bag sealing clamp. Drain and rinse with tap water. Pipe clean.
Cleaning your glass pipe doesn't have to be so hard. Just scrape off the bulk of the resin and then drop it into a Ziploc baggie with 90-100% isopropyl alcohol for a good three-hour soak. You can also use a bit of non-iodized salt as an agitator for faster cleaning.