What, in your opinion, makes life worth living?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by g0pher, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. Me, its Pleasure,:smoke: and then the wanting to know what will be next..
  2. Life itself.

    Consciousness is uterly mind boggling. It saddens me, to think that people actually believe, a consciousness could be created without the help of a higher power.

  3. word

    "Music is the only divinity." - me:smoke:

    the universe is a symphony
  4. Learning, developing, thought, discovery, new insights, creation, and pleasure of course.
  5. It's a freaking adventure, and I never know what's going to happen next. And as long as you don't take it to seriously, you'll be just fine... And, as an idol of mine would say...

  6. CURIOSITY !!....without it life can be a real drag......God, I LOVE surfing the net.
    Love this quote : Life is a tragedy to those that feel, and a comedy to those that think.

  7. :laughing: :rolleyes:

    same 'ol smigs
  8. Honestly I'm not sure life is worth living.
  9. So I presume you commit suicide immediately after posting this, right?
  10. Enjoyment, in all forms
  11. Personally I live for the moments where I don't even know how to react to the beauty of it all. I know that I'm only here out of sheer fucking chance and theres nothing that guarantees I make it through to tomorrow night. I love the experience that comes with each perpetual second.

    'like a spiral to the end, we may just go where no-ones been'
  12. Damn good quotes in this thread.

    I'd say traveling with friends, new experiences, scoring really good weed for cheap, pleasure, dreaming, learning, teaching, and realizing how improbable it is that I'm even alive.
  13. Bad presumption. I don't really think life is worth living but emotions keep me from committing suicide. I know emotions suck and overcomplicate everything, but I'm not sure I have the courage to gas myself in my garage or go through the process of buying and gun and then shooting myself in the head. If I already had a gun by me, I could probably eventually do it, and when I mustered up the courage to do it, I would be so excited and full of energy, it would be so easy. But the thoughts of leaving my gf here are the thoughts that talk me out of it, or at least prevent me from having the courage to do it.
  14. The look on the faces of my relatives, everytime they realize I'm not dead yet.

    And my garden.
  15. I'm not trying to sound judgmental or imposing, but that sounds a little unstable to me. Basically what you're saying is that the only reason you haven't killed yourself is because you're too afraid? That doesn't sound like a good enough reason to live to me. I couldn't imagine my existence being anything but horrible if I felt the same way as you. Shouldn't logic take control over emotion? I'm not saying you should kill yourself, just suggesting that there are better reasons to live than fear. (Again not trying to piss you off, just giving my opinion.)

    But back to the original question... Personally, there is one main thing that makes life worth living for me... the fact that it is impossible to know what happens after we die. The bottom line is that no one knows with absolute certainty whether or not our consciousness, soul, whatever word you want to use for our living force, continues existing after it has disappeared from our body.

    Some people believe we just cease to exist, our consciousness simply never turns back on again as our bodies decay... I'm open to that possibility, and if that's the case, I would want to live my life as enjoyably as possible. Even if life is just a bizarre occurrence, a phenomenon of nature, I think we can all agree that it's an amazing thing. The fact that we are conscious beings, able to sense and think and reason, is enough reason to live.

    Even if there is a God or some form of higher power, I don't believe that he/she/it would punish our souls for all eternity for not believing in him. If God exists, he gave us no evidence for it, no reason to believe in him other than this nonsense called "faith". If he's going to punish us on that basis, in my opinion he's a malevolent God who I don't want anything to do with. But that doesn't seem very likely to me.... anyone who would torture you for being a free thinker is far from "perfect and all-powerful". If there is a God, I look forward to meeting him and I've got some major questions.

    Basically I think we should take full advantage of this unique opportunity to exist whether it's a product of the elements or a product of the divine. The fact that we don't know is enough reason for me.
  16. Music, Life, Family, Friends=Happiness.
  17. I knew somebody would not actually bother to think about it and say something like that. Mr. Blonde pretty much covered the difference but I'm gonna add a few things. First off, I said I didn't know if life was worth it, not that I thought that it wasn't. I'm not sure and probably won't be till I can see the alternative. Second, the change from life to death, the act of dying, seems like it would be very unpleasent. I can't know that but it cetainly doesn't seem appealing from every one I've talked to who has witnessed it. Third, death might not be worth it either. Forth, regardless of whether I want it or not, I am alive, I might as well see where it takes me. I could try to change it, but since the alternative isn't necessarily good, going through that effort might be stupid. Get it?
  18. Fear of death kept me alive the few times I've actually considered suicide, but since then I've decided suicide is a rather cheap and cowardely way to go out. It's not life is so good, but despite everything I was given the chance, and as far as life's go mine is pretty good. I would be doing an injustice to everyone who got it worse than me, including those sperm and eggs that never got the chance if I just up and offed myself. Life has potential to be worth something, so I'm determined to see it through and give it my best effort, even if in the end, I decide it really was a waste of time, I can't really make that decision unless I give it an honest try.

    I can't authortatively speak for Mr. Blonde, but I would say I'm more than a little unstable, and since his view is close to mine I would guess he is too. But thats the way life goes, we all have our little insanities to deal with.
    Why is fear of death a bad reason to live? It seems a perfectly good reason to me. Self preservation is a strong instinct and keeps most animals alive. The most natural reason to continue. My fear of death is one of the things that gives meaning to my life. I hope that eventually I will come to accept death. Not run to it out frustration at the pathetic bullshit offered to me by this world but too really accept the inevtability of if it. Buhdist style. Hell maybe that is the meaning to life, to accept death, so that when it comes you're prepared.
    AS to whether existence is horrible, not really. I mean how often do you contemplate death and life? For me it happens sometimes right before I go to sleep, an inevatble fear of death, of non-existence. Occasionally during my musings to myself or other it comes up and I consider it, but it usually isn't an unpleasent thought, just something I sort of accept. Most of the time though I just ignore the whole thing and just go about the process of living my life. I'm here, might as well do something.
    I would like to know the better reasons to live than fear of death.

    So if we couldn't think life wouldn't be worth living?
    Or if we knew the "truth" of the universe life wouldn't be worth living?
    The quest for knoweldge and the uncertainties/mental abilities of man give me something to do while I'm living, but are they worth the pain and suffering that they come with? Or are they worth the fact that you will never know for sure anything? Is the indivuality of our minds worth the fact that no one will ever truly understand you fully? Is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved? The blue pill or the red pill? The questions are all really the same and my answer to each is the same, I have no fucking clue man. I just take what happens and try to make the most of it. For example I've taken acid and it gave me a new perspective. I wish I hadn't been exposed to that perspective, but now that I'm here I'm going to try and pursue it as far as it goes, becuase regretting it won't do me any fucking good. But was taking that dose worth it? Not really.

  19. Yes!!

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