What if...

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by ChillFave, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. what if every morning you woke up as a different person, but you had the brain and memories of the person you woke up as, so it seems like you are the same person at all times?

  2. i can assure you i'm the same person every day
  3. who's watching when you're stone asleep?
    Satan almighty
  5. I'm high and that still sounds rediculously stupid
  6. This actually exists, but this is viewed as a mental illness...
  7. "You" are your menories

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  8. #8 LightAnother, Jun 29, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2013
    So when I have a car crash and lose my memory, I don't exist anymore?
  9. I wish that would happen.
  10. I would feel fake, like an imposter. 
  11. I wake up with days...weeks.... occasionally months missing from my memory.... for me that time is gone.... blank.... people who know me tell me all kinds of things i did....yet have no awareness of....
    I am introduced to people who know me... have spent time round me.... yet i do not know them....

    Memory is a stranger..... yet still... I "am"
  12. I tried to explain .....long before my own memory issues......
    That to live with no memory.... is very much like running up the stairs..... and as your foot leaves each step.... that step falls away into the void.... into nothingness....
    This moment....
    Right now.....
    Is all we ever have....
    The past is gone....
    tomorrow never comes....
    Fuck memory.....be here now.....
  13. scary
  14. it could be .... personally... i am used to it.... been living with it long time....
    well man you got a strong mind then. my memory has depleted a significant amount over the couple years and I sometimes fear ill end up kind of like that or like 5 second steve. I mean the pot obviously probably dosent help but you know what I mean.other peoples realities are such a trip.
  16. It is interesting to say the least.....
    Woke up once with my hair an inch longer than i remember it being when i went to sleep.... found out we had moved... has to be shown the place.... told that i painted the whole place...and moved us in..... no memory of any of it....
    Had to be reintroduced to people i had been hanging/smoking with for months.....
    had all kinds of scars i dint remember getting....

    And that was just one morning ......
  17. schizo right?
  18. Told people before.... can't remember if i put this in this thread already.....
    Tried to explain it when i was very young to adults who didn't listen.....

    Is very much like running up a staircase..... where there is nothing but this stair....
    only as you lift your foot from one step to place it on the next..... that last step falls away into nothingness....
  19. temporal lobe epilepsy.... schizophrenia like epilepsy psychosis.....

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