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what if movies arent real?

Discussion in 'General' started by fruitbatman, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. really, like we all go to a movie theatre and give them our money. walk in and sit down and they spray some chemicals and stuff into the air that puts us all in a trance. then they flash a few images on the screen which makes us all think we saw a movie. then we're out the door within 5 minutes. 

  2. Such a cool story.
  3. Wow. Your right.

    • Like Like x 2
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  5. What if you went, and payed for, to a movie that you could read the whole story on paper in 5 minutes.

    this is my signature. Right here.
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  7. Go to bed, Jaden.
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  8. I think you have smoked your self retarded.
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  9. Sometimes I like conspiracies, but not stupidity.

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  10. or you know, they project a film on to a screen, which costs a lot less than some mystical, time bending, trance powder would.
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  11. lmfao what strain u smoking?

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  12. What if "the movie" we think we saw was actually a rerun of our entire lives? I'm stayin out of that theater! 
  13. What if were all aliens on another planet in our dreams and our dreams are real life.

    OP you make me ^_^

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  14. I know, right?!! I'm just sayin. You should, bra

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  15. What if this is just a dream and we wake up and were living the exact same life as in the dream. But were just not dreaming. Woah. Mindfucked.

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  16. #16 Nugagerube, Oct 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2014
    What if were just a brain in a vat?

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  17. Snape kills dumbledore

    Lil homie gets shot and put in a wheel chair


  18. then maybe alien abductions are just vague memories of being woken up by alien spouse
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  19. #19 -13 Amp-, Oct 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2014
    Damn...what is it that they're selling on dvds, showing on tv/netflicks and you can download on the internet...

    Also the cam bootlegs ruin this stupid shit, they have a camera in the movie and record it and don't record people getting sprayed...they record shaky movies and people walking in front of the screen...

    Don't make threads anymore...
  20. Wtf is up with these threads lately?
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