What happens when you die?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by MesKiDcudi, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. What do you guys think happens when you die?
    Not what you want to happen. What do you think your soul will realistically do?
    Heaven? Hell? Do you forget the life you lived and move on to another life, somewhere far from this universe? Or do you reincarnate to whatever you want? Or do you simply cease to exist and get buried 6 feet under the ground, never to live again?
  2. return to the cosmos. hopefully im dead for good or atleast reincarnate into a truly peaceful and free society, wherever/whenever that may be.
  3. I think that once you die that's it. Your brain shuts off that's the end of the ride.

    I don't believe in heaven or hell and reincarnation is dumb. Even if we do get reincarnated how would we know? I'm pretty sure that I wasn't anybody else before I was me and if I was I don't know it so it doesn't matter.
  4. That's more or less the actual question to life I feel... I never believed in God or a heaven or hell when I was a kid but mainly because I never went to church or anything like that. A lot of my friends went to catholic school but I didn't. When we were in our late teens pretty much all of them didn't go to church and were either atheist or didn't really hold their beliefs too strong and I kinda felt the same way just never having believe in anything in the first place.

    Just the whole concept that were basically a really lucky chance of life. It seems to cheesy, like a B movie from the 80's.. I believe in science, logic and reasoning can discover, prove and solve almost 99% of all our questions and concerns about why things are the way they are or why we are here and all that. But there is just so much we don't no and the mere fact Earth is so wrapped up in politics that it all gets pushed behind it.

    I think we enter some spiritual plane of existence or some part of our mind/soul moves on to something else somewhere else. It would make no sense that when were dead, nothing happens. That would be the greatest rickroll of all times..
  5. #5 TooLegit2Quit, Dec 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2011
    EDIT - I made a thread in the spirituality subforum that replaced what I posted here. So ignore this or read my thread in theree
  6. I believe that as soon as life ends for us, a new one begins.

    I was raised religious by my mother a 7th day Adventist.
    [Crazy Christian people]
    I went to private school for almost all my life.
    It's not that I don't believe...I choose not to believe. I really hope that the next life, if one, will be much better than any Heaven.

    I enjoy being mortal, I enjoy making mistakes others call sins. And I really hope mankind is as ignorant on reality as he tends to be.
  7. I wish there was. I don't think there is.
  8. ^^what he said :)
  9. After some of the shit I experienced all I can say for sure. Is something is going to happen. We won't just cease to exist. If any form of religion is true, I guess I would be punished(If being a kid does not give you a get out of hell free card).
  10. How the fuck would I know ahaha, wanna find out?
  11. More than anything in the world, Screw being poor and Aussie gun laws.
  12. you get buried and eaten by worms.. and become plant food.

    or you rise from the dead after 3 days and live in heaven with Jesus and all the dead people..
  13. when you die its just darkness.. no sight, hearing, smelling, tasting, thinking, or being.
    after death is probably the definition of nothing.
  14. I think this right here is a life, but not the life. I feel this is a learning experience. Training of some sort. Too much doesn't make sense for this to be it. So I think I'll wake up somewhere else after I die. Maybe hooked up to some kind of machine or something :confused_2:
  15. Well prefacing this by the obvious fact that noone knows who isn't dead... I personally believe that you are opened up the the dimensions, or at least some of the demensions which you were not able to access in the 3d dimension. I would say that this is what ghosts may be, this is where heaven and hell may lay and this is why people feel like they had had near death experiences on heavy psychedelics when they feel that they are accessing other dimensions.

    I'm a Catholic by the way.
  16. I believe since our brains create our sense of reality and is a big part of our consciousness, that once it shuts down, that reality has to also come to a stop... Life itself outside of your reality will still exist and go on but you will just cease to exist....

    I liken it to the emptiness that was there before you came out the womb and the fact that no human being can even remember that event, (atleast i dont think so)....

    Or when you go to sleep for 8hrs, or any amount of time for that matter, and then just wake up, only thing you remember is what you were doing last before you fell asleep. Its like 1 min your here, next min your gone. Where did you go? What if you never woke back up? Would you have noticed? What if you died in the physical while in a dream and you cant wake back up, which is how we usually escape dreams, by waking up..... Would u then be stuck in the dream or nightmare your having or would the dream come to a stop at the point your physical brain shuts off....

    Try this in your head:

    Picture the earth, the vast small rock were on(where our mind knows physical beings exist)... Now try make it vanish
    Now picture the universe (as we know it)milky way, stars, black space etc etc. Now make that vanish and try to think abouts whats left, not what you like to be there but whats actually left... is it a white blank or does the images of space that your aware of just constantly pop up in your head....

    Might be hard to get that mind trip while reading it, better if its explained in person....

    Well those are my theories on life/ death, hope i didnt complicate it... thanks for reading.
  17. [quote name='"ismokegreen"']Well prefacing this by the obvious fact that noone knows who isn't dead... I personally believe that you are opened up the the dimensions, or at least some of the demensions which you were not able to access in the 3d dimension. I would say that this is what ghosts may be, this is where heaven and hell may lay and this is why people feel like they had had near death experiences on heavy psychedelics when they feel that they are accessing other dimensions.

    I'm a Catholic by the way.[/quote]

    I think this is close. It makes some sense and I've always thought that ghosts and such are just beings more capable of switching between dimensions than us humans.
  18. Law of physics: energy cannot be created or destroyed

    What do I think will happen to our energy once dead? That my friends, is the great mystery of life, not what's out there in space or the stars, but what's in us?
  19. When I die, I'll probably be embalmed and buried in a pretty damn sturdy casket against my wishes, more than likely six feet in the ground, where there's little oxygen. My body will be prevented from becoming dirt for a good long period of time due to the anaerobic decomposition that will happen, and I'll slowly and stinkily rot. My particles will disperse all over the universe and hopefully after so long, I'll feed a tree for a little bit.

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