What Happens To Us When We Die?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by ClinicallyNORML, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. I remember learning in science that matter never just dissappears.....its always there, even when the object/person/thing isnt there....

    So then what happens to humans after we pass on? What happens to that matter that made up our brains? What happens to it all? Does it sit in a coffin for all of eternity, or does it move on to other universes or states of reality?

    With this in mind, I'd like to point out that you can die, but you can never cease to exist...That matter that made up your body and your brain will always be somewhere...wether its in your coffin, or another universe, it is always somewhere.
  2. This is true. Matter changes forms, but it does not disappear. When you burn something, it's turned into ash. When you melt something, it's form is just changed. It doesn't just cease to exist. Energy doesn't cease to exist either. What happens to our life energy when we pass on? I believe this energy (or the soul) moves on. When we die the energy ceases to exist in our bodies... but it can never truly cease to exist. This is one of the best arguments for an afterlife. Our bodies have energy in them that isn't there when we pass on. Our life-force goes somewhere else.
  3. thats a really good idea

    but i really hope there is something else when you die. I dont want to be in a dreamless deep sleep in my fuckin coffin.
  4. I'm gonna be wormfood
  5. Hopefully it's just one everlasting 4th plateau trip. Just not a bad trip. :hippie:
  6. the soul goes somewhere to analysze the sucesses and failures of the previous life, and if it has learned all of life's lessons, then the soul moves on to a higher plane of existence, but if all the lessons arnt learned hte soul is reborn into another life on this planet....imo......o well thats my rambling for the night
  7. Buddhists believe that after someone dies, they mind floats off to another body......or somethin clsoe to that.......

    i dont know, i kinda believin a reincarnation.......

  8. I agree... perhaps slight differences, but nothing worth noteing.
  9. nah, know what i think? when u die, your just dead. kinda like sleeping. cant explain really. im an atheist.. hehehe :)
  10. reincarnation baby!!
  11. Dude you go 6 feet under. And no your brain doesn't just sit there for all of eternity, it gets eaten by maggots!
  12. man..how do maggots get in the coffin...I mean..isn't that shit sealed? You know those indian dudes that set themselves on fire? yeah..that would be a shitty way to die..now that were on the subject.. :confused:
  13. maybe termites eat through the coffin first and then the maggots come in and finish you off
  14. No idea. I'll worry about it when I get there.
  15. Haha... more or less, yes.

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