What Happens If You Boil Coca Cola?

Discussion in 'General' started by Earth Ling, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. #1 Earth Ling, Jun 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2014
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhkWQnHpaIk#t=128. elieve that soft drinks are maybe not the healthiest choice, but still safe enough, this is the video for you.

    At 25 minutes in to the boiling process, this gets absolutely disgusting. (skip to 1:40 in the video to see the coagulated mess). What you are actually looking at is Coca Cola when all of the water has evaporated from the soft drink and you are left with only the additives and chemicals.

    - See more at: http://livefreelivenatural.com/happens-boil-coca-cola/#sthash.l2YbIvhA.dpuf

    This is what happens when you boil the most popular beverage in the world: -
  2. I thought this would be pretty common sense... of course you're going to be left with all the high fructose corn syrup and coloring and what not when you boil off the water :confused: 
  3. Drop some brown food coloring into a mix of sugar and water then boil it you will get the same looking result.
    That is pretty much what happens when you boil the water out of a beverage, you get the sugar slurry. :cool:
    Yep, and the more you boil it, the thicker it's going to get. Like when I overcook a reduction sauce. :p 
  5. Chug-a-lug
    Coca Cola ingredients:
    Carbonated water, sugar, colour (caramel E150d), phosphoric acid, natural flavourings including caffeine
  6. That is nothing take a new penny and put it in coke up where an animal or kid cant drink it and go look at it in a week.
    You might have half a penny left after a week.
  7. Am i the only one who found this post completely retarded?
    I was thinking that but waited for you to say it. :)
  9. #9 TimeIsMoney1, Jun 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2014
    oh and im still going to drink coke for the rest of my life. Just finished a 24 pack this past sunday. It was delicious. every last can
  10. fuck Coke, drink Monster!
  11. Rockstar you mean?? ;)
    I love coke, Im diabetic though so its a treat, I chug lots of cold tea.
  13. Last time I drank cocococococococococola I was bouncing off the walls while this asian dude was trying to hit me with some nunchucks
  14. this video isn't really shocking...  they just boiled the water out and all the other ingredients are left.
    and I still maintain that it's not healthy but "safe enough" because no one has ever died from drinking a glass of coke once in a while.  
  15. soda will dissolve a pearl overnight from the acidity..the ph is 2.5 because thats they only way they can fit all the sugar in it
  16. Boil Pepsi instead....that shit sucks
    My grandma uest to go to the pharmacy to just buy "Coca-Cola syrup" way back in the day when her kids were sick w an upset stomach. Supposed to work pretty good.....
  17. explain sugar free beverages.
  18. Well, i liked the video and even though the water evaporates, that does not discredit the facts that soda is still unhealthy. I know a guy who drank nothing but soda, breakfast, lunch and dinner for over 20 years. He got shrivled up like a raisin, ended up in the hospital and now can't drink soda
  19. All that accomplished was making me realize I havent had a coke in a while and could go for one.
    You know a guy? Must be true.
    I know a guy who has consumed - by any definition - a completely unhealthy amount of soda starting in his mid-late teens. It's been a non-specific number of roughly two decades since then and he's got a few (as in ten or so) extra pounds he's carrying around but that has more to do with him having a job sitting at a computer and not getting to the gym as much as he ought to than how much soda he drinks. And I know for a fact this particular guy eats lots of bacon and other "eat this and you're gonna die" dietary choices that are the Chicken Little du jour of nutritionists everywhere. (Because he's me.)
    Remember when eggs were bad for you? Then good for you? Then bad for you? Then good for you again? Or when we were told not to eat fatty meat because it makes you fat, then they found out that not eating enough fatty meat makes you fat?
    Look, I'm not saying Coke or any other soda is a healthy beverage. I'm not even saying that I'm living proof that overindulgence in sodas is perfectly fine. I'm an anecdote just as the "guy you know" is an anecdote. You can eat cow dung on a daily basis and live to be 100 years old or die at 25 of a heart-attack. It doesn't mean that either outcome is related to dining on what comes out the dumber end of a cow.
    I can say with anecdotal confidence that soda did not cause the guy you know to "shrivel up like a raisin". That was probably due to being stupid. Or perhaps, fictional.

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