Have not been on in awhile, format is completly different, is it just my PC or are the reps bars, and join date thing gone?
All your rep (rep only) was transferred over as likes, new likes are adding to that number. Format has changed with a new system. Location is now only on the profile (although it may be added to the pop ups). You may hover over a users name to get basic info to include join date. More; http://forum.grasscity.com/general-forum-feedback/1187351-new-grasscity.html
Everything got changed around not too hard to get the hang of though.. no rep anymore it's just likes. Guess you can have whatever in your signature now also.
Yeah a lot of other people like the old one better... to me its pretty much the same thing without the rep, I had full bars so it didn't matter to me any, sure there were more titles to get but I didn't really care that much.