Do you remember at the end of the movie Beefest, The screen showed Weedfest coming soon. What ever happend to that, Is it still in the making?
well i'm sure if it was being released this month we would have already seen previews. I don't think it's happening anytime soon, if at all. I'd be pissed tho if it never happened...
Yeah I read up on it a lil bit. This is what someone said on a site i was looking up This is only some facts not all of them is true: Their upcoming projects include "Slammin Salmon" to be released later this year, "The Baby Makers" which is gearing up for production soon, and hopefully the long-promised "Super Troopers 2" about the fathers of the first film's cops. As I checked this site out called Hip Forms : People were talking about it being animated. But over all most people are saying pineapple express was the stoner movie for this year.
accourding to IMDB (internet movie data base) "Weedfest" has not even been announced, let alone in production. i guess the writer/director is working on "Supertroopers 2" instead. (supertroopers and beerfest are made by the same writer/director). although whenever this movie comes out, if it does, ill be excited to see it. beerfest was funny imo.
An interview stated this: "Despite the statement at the end of Beerfest that Potfest is "coming soon", Broken Lizard intended this as a joke to get publicity. They have stated both that fans were very supportive of the title and that Broken Lizard may decide to make an animated film of the same name."
haha yea man i remember. but honestly i dont think that movie will come out...........i think it was just a joke unfortunately. but hey , it would still be awesome if it did come out. dred was horrible, but their other movies were actually pretty decent. Youve gotta think though, theyre LOW BUDGET INDIE. Theyre not big film makers with tons of money for special effects and props and shit like that. Super Troopers, Beerfest, Watching the Detectives(FUCKING HILARIOUS! I whole heartedly recomend it.) and Puddle Cruisers were all pretty damn funny stoner flicks.