what grade ?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by austyn12, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. #1 austyn12, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2012
    Okay i dont usally ask this but i never buy grinded weed but it was a good deal i believe ....i got 8.5gs for 60$ and it gets me high like dank


    taste=no taste that i know of
    smell=nasty i dont know how to explain
    high=amazing like dank
    amount of seeds=5 in 8 gs
    dryness=dry as fuck
  2. taste=no taste that i know of
    smell=nasty i dont know how to explain
    high=amazing like dank
    amount of seeds=5 in 8 gs
    stickyness=kind of sticky
    dryness=dry as fuck

    one question
    how is it sticky but dry as well? :confused:
  3. looks like some of that shakey

    I had to sit down after seeing it, my legs started feeling shakey

  4. i know i was thinking that too maby its from soap oils or something on hand. forget i said anything about stickiness.
  5. You basically bought 8.5 g's of shake. It looks decent and if you're saying it gets you high I'm assuming it gets the job done.
    The price is what bothers me. I could buy an ounce of very dank shake for 100, however you only got 8.5 for 60. Sadly, you did get ripped off. :(
  6. Cool story. This might amaze you so hold on...
    Not everyone lives where you do bud! Haha. So maybe he didn't get ripped off, depends where he's located.

    Anyway OP if you're happy with if that's all that matters.

  7. I think people can agree almost everywhere $60 for 8.5 grams of mids shake is a pretty shitty price
  8. Obviously, it looks awful, but if it does the job and you're happy with it then who cares?
  9. If it gets u high, then it doesn't matter lol.
  10. idk like 3rd or 4th grade.. taking spelling tests and shit.

    I can't really tell but it doesn't even look like theres bud in there
  11. No matter where he lives i cant imagine that being a good deal. If it were 8.5gs of the same low quality, but actual buds, it wouldnt be so outrageous. But if that is just straight up leaf and crap from really low grade flower, thats a rip off no matter where you live. But as others have said, if it gets you high oh well. Just try to avoid shake and that dealer :rolleyes:
  12. Is that weed or potpourri?
  13. My bad guys, didn't even look at the picture.
    Guess I just thought of shake off of some good bud haha.

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