What goes around, comes around!

Discussion in 'General' started by crasstastic, Dec 8, 2007.

  1. so a few weeks back i was having a bad day at work. Hadn't slept worth a shit, was really exhausted, and i wanted to leave a lil early from work. well, for some unknown reason when my boss asked me how late i was working til, my coworker cut me off and added that I had come in an hour later than him (we were gonna come in early, but i wanted the extra hour of sleep, so i came in when i was scheduled). I don't know why he did this cause we've got each other's back on stuff like that and it was a slow day. oh yeah, and he actually came in 30minutes before me, so it seems to me he ratted me out to save his own ass so he could go home a half hour early and leave me with the bill, so to speak.

    well I got sick last night and told him i wasn't coming in. my boss just called and asked me why i wasn't there, i told him how i've been sick with food poisoning and that i had told my coworker this around 4am. my boss' response: "Oh, so he knew you were sick? alright, have a good day and get better"

    Hopefully my coworker and my boss have a nice chit chat...especially since i waited til my boss called me and left a voicemail which means part of his day was wasted wondering if i'd come in, when he should have already known.

    why my coworker would try and fuck me again by not saying anything, i don't know, but it looks like it blew up in his face
  2. well, its not your co-workers responsibility to report that you will be late, so im guessing nothing will happen to him.....
  3. I said nothing about being late. and yes it is his responsibility given that we both come in hours before any of our bosses come in. just like someone calling out before boss is in, you have to tell the boss once he comes in not just act stupid.

    if i hadn't called my work back and he said nothing i could get written up/fired for a no call, no show

    [edit]: that could potentially happen, i'm a good worker so i doubt they'd fire me, but they would probably put a mark against me
  4. i meant to say not coming in, not being late, but anyway i dont know your work situation so nvm.....
  5. Im sure he asked your co-worker and he just lied saying he didnt know where you were and i dont think you did a bad thing by tellin your co-worker he should of told especially since you already told him you werent going to be in

    Sorry about the guy bein a dick
  6. kinda sounds like you're co-worker is trying to earn some brownie points. In your situation, I suppose it would be your co-workers responsibility considering the circumstance.

    I dunno, you work there, we don't. Doesn't your boss have a cell you could call? I know when I worked at my old job, if someone was sick and we had to be there at like 5 am, we had to call the boss.

    In the future, I wouldnt rely on co-workers to get the message across if I were you.
  7. don't have his cell cause he's new, its his first week

  8. Good sound advice.

    Its your responsibility to let your boss know your not coming in, not your co-wokers.
  9. Yea, you should tell your boss if you're not coming in yourself.

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