What drug dealers and geeks have in common

Discussion in 'General' started by Reggin, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. sorry
    no offense but I did not find the generalization and stupidity of that thing funny
    but seriously don't take it as an insult

    also I am not in a very good mood
  2. I didn't. But, I didn't say it was funny. If you're bored - it will take up 5 minutes. Jesus christ.
  3. seen this before, it was really funny

    woo my first post :)
  4. Hey, someone likd it! I'm gonna +rep you for that ^_^
  5. lol, cheers first rep :D
  6. LoL, yeah, mang. fucking SICK sig too.
  7. LOL thats funny as shit. Its really because their both serious about what they do. Thats their biggest thing in common between each other ;).

  8. Hey, 2 people like it! it wasn't a totaly failure...dude, I was randomly looking through these Myspaces, I hate that shit...but I found the ugliest girl ever, honestly, I'm not trying to be mean...but it's bad.. I might make a thread on it later.
  9. haha nice find :p
  10. This was on here last night in a diff thread, not sure which is newer tho. Search button is nice tho.
  11. haha i love it. almost went into software engineering myself
  12. good to see another UK poster , welcome to the city.

    to the OP , i was laughin lol nice find
  13. What's up with Brits and funny sigs?

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