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What does it take to make you angry when your high?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Messiah Decoy, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. and do you also get angry sober?
  2. Thinking about Cannabis being illegal for greedy people's political and economic gain.
  3. Can't say I've ever been legitimately angry.
  4. Only been partially angry when I set aside hours to smoke, I get really really high, then one of my girl----friends has an emotional breakdown and wants me to listen to them. Worst one was my first set of homemade brownies. Ate 5 of the 8, and a friend wanted to talk. At the time I didn't know how long it would take for the effects to hit. I had to talk to her for like three hours, and instead of going straight to bed like I planned (to have the most awesome dreams), I ended up riding my bike for 3 hours (like 1am - 4am to be exact).

    Other time was when one of my RA (Resident Assistants) and the Hall Director came to my door after I had been smoking my face off. They wanted to talk about misc. upcoming events and I had to stand there and listen, hoping they couldn't smell my weed lol
  5. my years of anger was from supressing my emotions for years so that it got bottled up so I would flip the fk out...its better now
  6. Well i was at a festival, and i hotboxed my tent with a friend and i was just on the floor just relaxing, pretty much sleeping but not fully, and my friend kept on tapping me on the shoulder every 5 seconds saying "wake up" "wake up" which got me pretty annoyed but it was funny.
  7. When I broke my 200 dollar bong... never been so mad in a real long time.
  8. lemme guess did that happen right after you smoked it? :/ been there done that too bro
  9. This thread would make more sense if you were talking about alcohol.
  10. I'm looking for those rare cases where people got mad while high.
  11. I can't remember the last time I was mad. I also smoke pretty much all day every day.
  12. Not necessarily mad but when somebody operates to talk to me by "yelling" in a passive aggressive tone, from there I give them "the fuck off" hint in a non-verbal way.
  13. when shit goes wrong in the world, we post threads about it. #Firstworldproblems
  14. Not sure. I don't think I've ever been pissed off while high.

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