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What does 20% runoff mean?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Spiderexpert, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Sorry for the noob question, but I'm a noob. 
    Keep seeing people say to water plants until 20% runoff.  What does that mean and how do I know when I've got 20% runoff?

  2. Why would anyone water their plant that much?

    Basically just flushing the soil out everytime you water.
  3. it's basically the water that comes out the bottom of your pot when you water the run off and it's mostly eye balling unless you have like a res under it or somthing also 20% is way to much watering
    It means the plant is 120% drowned. LOL
    Watering to run off is a standard thing to do when growing with Coco but in soil its drowning a plant.
  5. #5 lFourTwenty, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2014
    Plus who sits there and tries to figure out what percent of the water has already ran off? Ok that's 3%...17% more runoff and my plant will have enough water. Huh?
    Also, 20% of what? The water you started with? 20% of your soil? What if I'm growing in 100 gallon smart pots? There should be 20 gallons of water on the ground before I stop watering?
    To me, the person who said that sounds like someone who just started growing and is already trying to give other people advice.
  6. You want 20% run off in coco to pull the salts out. Otherwise you will have a lockout. But if let the plant just sit in the runoff your doing no good. In coco you should drain to waste. I wouldn't do the 20 percent rule in soil but water until it starts coming out. That is how I used to water soil at least
  7. Can't i just flush the plant with plain water prior to adding my nutrient water? Feels like a waste to be watering with 20% of my nutrient water going to waste every feeding. Although i realize this would change the dilution ratio and other factors as well such as PH and PPMs perhaps? I'm not sure.

    How do you coco growers "20% run off"? With the nutrient water or with plain water first then nutrient water?

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