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What do you want for <insert holiday here>?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Lacy leplant, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Hey GC, I was wondering what you guys want for <insert holiday here>? I personally want some cash so i can go crazy on the sale on steam haha.
  2. I want peace, happiness, and Cannabis legalization for all.
  3. A big booty HOE!!

    But really tho, I dont really "want" anything for my birthday/holidays anymore. Its all just stuff that can be bought with money in a reasonable amount of time with good money saving (excluding new cars and shit). And i dont like to ask for anything from anyone anyway. Id rather just get something small and inexpensive with sentimental value from anyone that might be giving me a gift.

    But i would still LOVE to get a big booty HOE!
  4. For Christmas, I want absolutely nothing. I'm pretty happy not asking for materialistic items.
  5. A milsig paintball gun or maybe a rifle parts for my engine would be awesome to
  6. Hmm I want my nephew and sister both to go to therapy. I want my hubby to get off his ass and do anything. I want to get my life straight. And I want to go back to college and see If I can't actually make it through longer then 3 months. Hmm. Those things happening would make me happy
  7. For my mother to have a happy & good christmas this year.
  8. A fuckin' directors account on youtube. Whenever holiday in 2013 you fucks!!!!

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