What do you think this is about?

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Happyjack13, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. So here's something a close friend of mine wrote, I've been thinking about it all day. It seems deep to me, but I can't figure out what it might be about. Any ideas?

    "I'm surrounded by all these crazy birds, Just
    Tweet, Tweet, Tweetin' about
    I'm surrounded by all these crazy birds, Just
    Tweet, Tweet, Tweetin' aloud

    And none will fly
    Except to shit on your heads
    And their song is a lie
    That they sing to make friends

    I'm surrounded by all these crazy birds, Just
    Tweet, Tweet, Tweetin' aloud
    I'm surrounded by all these crazy birds, Just
    Tweet, Tweet, Tweetin' about
    How they're trapped behind bars
    And they want to get out
    But from here inside my own cage
    They seem as free as the clouds

    And none will fly
    These crazy birds
    And their song is a lie
    These crazy birds

    And when you hear the words they sing
    About all the times they've used their wings
    Remember what this crazy bird said
    That their song is a lie they sing to make friends
    And the only time they fly
    Is to shit on our heads"
  2. Sounds like your friend is tired of poser friends.
  3. ^ That.

    I think he is just starting to discover how 'plastic' our world can be...............
  4. Haha! I liked that. Plastic.

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