what do you think of my new little bong?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by babyjesus420, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. A little bong I picked up for 10 bucks


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  2. I think it's really fucking small, would rather smoke out of a bubbler than that thing, but for 10$ you can't really go wrong. How does it hit? Does the splash-back get all in your mouth when you rip it? If you like it and it gets the job done that's all that really matters. Enjoy!
  3. Looks pretty sweet. I always wanted a little mini bong myself. Cool little novelty.
  4. It actually hits really good with virtually no splash back. Unless you suck on it crazy.
  5. Ive always wanted a mini bong also been looking into Molino mini bongs

  6. Don't we sell molinos here?
  7. #7 metalmethod420, Dec 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2012
    I think so, anyway how tall is it?
  8. damn that is tiny. but for 10 dollars who could complain. My daily driver spoon is 4x that price.
  9. 8 inches tall
  10. sure worth it for 10 bucks. its a nice blue too. but the hits must not be to good on it eh? as in small and harsh? I find with smaller bongs the hits are not quite as pleasant
  11. Well it actually gets big smooth hits. Just use really cold water
  12. i have the exact same bong, it's just green. haha.
    it's alright. medium-sized bongs are really my thing though so i never use it. it lurks on the shelf though.

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