What do you think Heaven will be like?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by dc199, May 24, 2010.

  1. Nonexistant.
  2. i think its a release from all the stress and all the bullshit. like your souls just shot out into space.
  3. Well, that's you're way of viewing Heaven, but we're on the topic of God's kingdom.

    If anything, I could totally see it smelling like Lemon Pledge because Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

    I could also see God getting angry with his maids because he's told them countless times he's allergic to Lemon Pledge and that they need to get the No-Name brand orange scented kind.
  4. This is very similar to what I believe. I think that after each life, we have time on the other side to examine the events of this life, the lessons we learned, and the experiences we gained. Then, when the soul is ready, it moves onto the next life, with a clean slate.
    When a soul has learned every lesson it has to learn, (which takes hundreds if not thousands of lifetimes) it rejoins the Source, which is like a massive soul comprised of all the soul energy in the universe, part cleansing liver, part pumping heart, part sentient mind. I think of it as a droplet of water rejoining the ocean. It hasn't ceased to exist, but it has truly become one with its source, cleansed of all its past lives and preparing to begin the journey all over again. =)

    As for Heaven, it is a state of mind. I don't strictly believe that there is a Heaven or a Hell, but that we are rewarded or punished for our deeds in this life, and pass through the veil cleansed of our "sins." "Good" and "bad" are man-made concepts. There is no right or wrong, there is only energy, and the task to which it is set. Nothing is good or bad, it just is.

  5. Heaven will be void of Juggalos. Sorry.
  6. or rather it takes all those lifetimes to learn that there are no lessions , you cannot rejoin the source if you are filled with the life lessions of this world , you must be empty and without the ego
  7. :::eek:bligatory atheistic reply::::

    I'm completely satisfied with my body being broken down into the nutrients that help plants grow. I don't need some fantasy island after I die.
  8. Maybe when I'm an old man I'll believe, But right now I struggle with the concept. However I dont imagine it would be everyone in white robes hanging out on a cloud, I imagine it'd be like being locked in your own conciousness where you're unaware your dead, living in a strange dream you cant control. Heaven and hell would be self defined, i.e If you've lead a 'sinful' life and had thoughts of going to hell in the back of your head, that'd effect the dream.

    I figured this theory up when I was convinced I was dead one time.
  9. I don't believe in a Heaven, but to be honest I can't really picture what heaven would look like.
  10. Without lessons to learn, there would be no point in living, with or without a god. Can you imagine a world where all humans simply existed? With no desire to learn, no curiosity, no interest in anything? Ugh, awful. Even the tiniest creatures must learn to survive, from their parents or from their own trial and error.

    And I believe the Source cleanses all. That's why I related it to the kidney; it filters out the "impurities" and leaves the body cleansed and empty, and ready to be filled again.
  11. #91 Noxnoctum, Sep 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2010
    Well I don't think we can really possibly imagine what heaven will be like. Just like you can't explain an LSD trip to someone who's never done it. It's indescribable. Only LSD is man made, so heaven will be infinitely more indescribable.

    But my guess is, feeling pure euphoria (and euphoria infinitely exceeding that that can be attained through drugs) all the time and feelings of joy, love, peace, and deep DEEP connection, towards everyone and everything, but especially towards God. Bible says that the place will literally be lit by the glory of Jesus Christ (instead of the sun). Pretty hard to imagine. Also, we will have glorified/perfected bodies, so everyone will probably be infinitely more beautiful (both mentally and physically) versions of themselves. I totally believe that ugliness in people is a result of "the Fall"... not that people who sin are ugly lol, but just that ugliness is a result of that initial sin wayyy back in the day along with disease, decay, murder, violence, etc.

    Also everything will be infinitely more detailed and beautiful (again, like an LSD trip, but infinitely more so)... It'll be weird seeing my friends there and being like whats up yo, you took a while to die, I've been bored!

    The laws of physics will also obviously be different, since it's infinite. (I've felt what infinity felt like while on a 2c-e trip and it was....... pretty amazing to say the least).

    But the best part will be remembering life on earth... and comparing it to life in heaven when you're there....... it'll be the most incomprehensible thing.

    All in all, I'm looking forward to it. Sometimes I kinda play with the idea of killing myself (not seriously) just because I'm so curious and don't want to wait 50+ years.
  13. Temporary, where you reap the positive things you have done in equal force, the way the negatives come back to you in equal force in purgatory. The things you enjoy in life, you will be able to do in a way not possible on earth. The artist will be able to work with colors in a way not possible on earth. Where the earth is the plane of form, the first heaven is the plane of tone. Musicians have one of the highest missions on earth, that of bringing to earth the environment of our home. You then go through a type of schooling, and your right back on earth until you reach the point that you are able to break free from the wheel of reincarnation. Also there are 7 different planes of heaven, each one being better than the former. One can come down from the higher planes, but you cannot go to the higher from the lower. There is no way to describe the joy of the higher planes, as words really only depict physical things.

  14. All my life I've been considered as the worst, lyin to my mother even stealing out her purse. Crime after crime, from drugs to extortion, I know my mother wish she got a fuckin abortion.

    Such a great song. No one had flow like Biggie.

    Anyways, on topic. Idk if heaven exists or not, it seems pretty retarded to think that some magical fairy land (like what christians say) exists in the clouds for all who are good. I'll just continue to live my life how I want, and it just might enter my mind on my death bed.
  15. like that movie with robin williams
  16. When you die, worms skull-fuck the shit out of you as you rot in the ground. Accept it. There is no Heaven.
  17. Yes there Will be family and friends there waiting for us to pass over, I've had 2 family members passing away in the hospital, talking to people outloud before they passed, the last relative was my Uncle and he was telling his daughter he seen his mother and father and then was talking to them, he was not incoherent or on any drugs either.

    I believed in the otherside before these things happened, but it really makes you feel great to know there are so much better things on the other side, my mother and my significant other have had many dreams of their father and brother from the other side, no more suffering on the other side....can't wait!
  18. Whats the point in posting here if you think it doesn't exist...i think it will be everything you ever wanted and more :)!
  19. What if when you die, it turns pitch black and you feel like you are suffocating from being trapped in your body? And so when you get buried, you are trapped forever underground.

    Whenever I think of that scenario, I get the shudders...
  20. I think heaven will be my atoms floating around in the universe... the atoms won't be me anymore though, as they weren't me before I existed.

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