So I was just thinking about this and I was wondering... Do you think existence, as a whole, is chaos or order? I myself can't decide. I just want everyone's point of view, if you have certain beliefs feel free to share them, I'm interested in any kind of input, thank you blades. (I'm on a t-break "binge" right now btw, it's been almost 1 month )
Both as others have already said, they aren't mutually exclusive. Consider weather for instance. We get well developed and organized storms but to understand them we get into chaos theory or what's called the 'butterfly effect'.
It is what it are chaotic, parts are what our brains would understand as organized...there are vast expanses of our universe where there is literally nothing and where there are "things" other "things" are attracted to each other by the glue that holds us all together...gravity. the ONLY force in the universe thats effects can be detected to travel faster than fact, it is instintanious and infinite in its reach. On a scale of size, mass, distance and time...our little perceptions amount to not much more than the insects we watch crawl through our gardens. Add all this up and what you have are primitive ape like creatures, not too far removed from their not too remote ape ancestors spinning through a vast dark vacuum dotted with , for what we as yet have witnessed to be , the sole inhabitants of a wet speck of concreted stardust. So, we have vast amounts of nothing, small amounts of chaos and a nearly infintesimal amount of order in the totality of things.
Everything that is, is. I see it as an eternally (or not) unfolding system of energy and the various ways it manifests and interacts with itself and spacetime. Perhaps we're embedded in just one elastic spacetime bubble - the universe - or maybe we're part of a vast foam of such expanding and/or contracting bubbles - the multiverse. Either way, I think the most astounding aspect of existence is life. And the most astounding thing about life is the fantastic molecular dynamics required to make it happen. Living entities are informationally derived structures that are temporarily able to surf the solar wind (so to speak) against the generally unfavorable thermodynamic currents using what in the final analysis turns out to be the ability of the sun's photons to excite electrons in atoms and thus affect chemical reactions. But the most astounding thing of all to me is the incredible information encryption, decryption, and expression exhibited by the nucleotides and the regulated molecular processed by which that information becomes selectively expressed. In fact, just the existence of a sequential code, complete with start and stop codons, expression control markers, and an assortment of other data transmission devices, truly blows my mind. I guess we're kind of like solar powered eddie currents of energy - temporary swirrels of order - that appear and then disappear in the midst of a metaphorical river flowing to the sea. Sorry... I'm rambling.
Arbitrary words used to define similar conditions. As many have said order comes from chaos but order will always break back down into chaos eventually and vice versa.
this! Everything that is, is a result of reality trying to find balance. An equation trying to equal zero. -yuri
Which a lot of people believe describes the universe itself, the idea of an equation reaching zero describes everything from why they think the universe is flat or something damned close to it to the idea of a universe from nothing as was described by Hawking and others.
Existence = experience. We are all here to experience something, and that is existence. The mere notion it is even possible for human life to exist, let alone the fact there are 7 billion humans currently existing on one small water planet called Earth, is fucking incredible. Before we discover our higher purpose/destiny/True Will or what have you, we must first understand the fundamental nature of existence. And that, my friends, is experience.
I have; nonetheless, I'm still a theist who believes in an active, animate, and infinitely cognizant, infra-force who is behind and beyond (and yet, whilst containing them) the seemingly inherent patterns', and appearances', of the phenomenal world.
why not just say you believe in an omniscient, omnipotent, etc god. without context, theres no way to know what youre talking about.