What do you like to sip on, when you're high?

Discussion in 'General' started by John John, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. Pure adrenachrome.
  2. smuckers strawberry lemonade mix. shazzam.

  3. mmm, chewy.

  4. By any chance is that a bass in your sig?

  5. tis, but i dont really play bass. im a six string man. i also dont use photoshop, so someone else made that for me.
  6. Oh ok thats still cool.
  7. i can see it now... blunt in your mouth... steaming goats blood dripping down your face.. and a six string in hand rocking out. thats b.a. man thats badass

  8. the body of my guitar is made from a goats skull, and the headstock, a goat hoof. :metal:
  9. Monster Energy drinks man, the regular kind (not the diet or the variations). Take my word for it, that stuff is the nectar of the gods

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