What do you do with your havested crop when it has thirps

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by green777, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. #1 green777, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2010
    My crop is full of thirps...The ladies are 8 weeks into the flower stage and I planned on cuting em down in a few days. I suppose that I could keep the goin for a couple more weeks and start them on a aza max schedule.. Do you guys know of any other methods that I can use this far into the flowering stage?If I keep them going and it doesn't work though, then I have more bugs and less bud. Do the bugs leave during the drying proccess? This is my first havest in 15 years, back then we never used micro scopes. Did we have little bugs like this back then and just never knew it?
  2. #2 capitate, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2010
    If you can't see them without a microscope I tend to say just proceed as planned. I'm guessing you won't taste anything much if the are so tiny. The US Gov't food regulations actually specify a maximum number of thrips allowed in frozen vegetables like broccolli, so youve eaten lots of them over time anyway. :eek:

    Maybe neem oil would kill them? But then, wouldn't they still be there, only dead? Hmm. It certainly wouldn't stop me from smoking a bud.
  3. They don't feed on dry plant material, so they should seek greener pastures once you've cut and begun the drying process. Smoke em.

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