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What do you do on road trips?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Plex1, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. So, when you hit the highway or the interstate what do yall do to stay safe?

    Me personally, the first step is smell protection. The weed always goes in a bag. Then another bag. Then another bag. Then I wrap that shit up real good with syran wrap. Then i bag it again. Then I might tape it or something if im feeling froggy :D

    Then, this is where I have questions and want input. What I do from there is take one of my subs out of my sub box via 8 screws, and tape the weed to a corner inside my sub box. Then I put the sub back on and screw it down. One time I got pulled over and dogged, resulting in a search like this. They didnt find it but it sucked.

    One other time I was pulled over with 4 ounces and had it wrapped like I said above but this was before I thought to put it in my subs. I kept cool and since it was smellable to a human i was free to go.

    What james bond type shit have you guys thought up? I dont like the sub box idea for much longer
  2. I rather not share my methods, no offense to anyone.

    Vacuum sealing definitely helps consolidate the size and eliminates odor completely.
  3. My buddies who got it in the mail got it vacuum sealed. My problem isnt so much humans smelling it cause they dogs alert no matter long as I wrap it im fine I just need a great spot to hide it in....thinking about welding a box under the car or something. I didnt wanna share mine at first either but its so easy and obvious so i said fuck it lol
  4. Whatever you do, don't stop, because it's bat country
  5. I throw my shit in a backpack in the trunk and drive like a fucking grandma haha. I never go on extended road-trips, but if I did I'd probably put it in a freezer bag and glass jar and shove it in the stash spot underneath my cupholder (cupholder just pops right out, exposing some of the gear stick mechanism).
    I know I'm going to get a lot of shit for this, but I absolutely love smoking while driving, especially somewhere like on the interstate, so all this crazy wrapping up and hiding business isn't something I'd do since I want my buds to be accessible, especially if I'm on an extended road-trip. If i were really paranoid, I'd just roll up a few joints before I left, stic em in my pack of cigs, hide the weed deep in my luggage all smell-proofed up, and hide that luggage inside some other luggage haha.
  6. I love blunt riding!

    But yeah If i HAD to have smoke id just take some out that i could easily smoke/eat in a hurry. And wrap the rest up. Im talking about riding with at least an ounce here. Im just trying to stay safe cause theyll slap me with dealing even though I just buy in bulk for the price cut. The subs seem like an ok method, but the cops are tough here and im trying to think up some james bond shit lol.

  7. I never have too much on me anymore, because I've been getting good enough prices without buying in bulk lately, but yeah i think just bringing a few joints or blunts is the smartest way, pieces aren't discardable enough I'd keep those in away. That way if worse comes to worst, eat them or something. If you run out you can always make a stop to get your bud out of hiding and roll up a couple more too.
  8. yeah i just gotta figure out where the best place to hide it is!

  9. I'm offended. share your secret methods!
  10. jar it thats it and throw it in my bag clothes on top of it.And have a few nice pre rolled's in the front driving and smoking!:smoking:
  11. #11 brilla, Nov 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2012
    prerolled joints and extra papers

  12. everyone is ignoring the fact that Im trying to figure out how to roll with large amounts and still stay safe even when searches are conducted lol
  13. just sending a holla to all those stoners getiin stoned on the move! :hotboxxin:
  14. but about the thread, ive heard people stashing shit under the hood, in their spare( cutting a slit in it hahah),, honestly bro yu just needa know your car very personally n figure out whats best for yours, personally im fucked cuz i have a huge bong, torch, mason jar +backpak full of shit almost always in my trunk.. rarely get pulled over nd i usually have a good tounge when talkin to pigs
  15. see me i have a crown vic, they probably know it just as well as I. They never search under the car or under the hood or anything though. My plan is to get a VERY VERY stealth spot of some kind, and just start consenting to searches instead of denying. That way in my mind I think theyd be less inclined to look harder thinking 'I KNOW he has it somewhere!" and also the dog wont alert and give them the idea theres something they cant find cause hopefully if I consent they wont call for it!

    Maybe itll save me time too lol. The best is just not getting pulled over but where im from you cant guarentee you wont, even if youre a grandma driver
  16. Get creative! If you are able to, pop the headliner out in the back, and stuff some up there surrounded by dryer sheets with a strong sent. If you split it up, you can find all sorts of nooks and crannies. There are places under a hood you can hide, and even in the engine, I just forget exactly where.
  17. As soon as I hit the highway/interstate I usually start smoking. From there I drive like a normal human being to reduce my chances of being pulled over.

    I put the weed I won't smoke on the car ride in mason jar(s), in my backpack, in my trunk.
  18. No offense OP, but that is overdoing it. Your best protection against being caught on a road trip is to.

    1. Go the damn speed limit, it's not that hard. Don't drive slower just in case, because that looks suspicious as fuck.
    2. Wear your seat belt.
    3. Make sure your vehicle is registered.
    4. Make sure your vehicle at least has liability insurance.
    5. Use your turn signals when switching lanes
    6. Stop at stop signs and red lights
    7. Always carry extra bulbs just in case one might go out and you do get pulled over for it.
    8. Don't drive aggressively
    9. Don't freak the fuck out if a cop starts following you, they follow me all the time and I drive as if they weren't there.
    10. Don't talk on your cell phone, it makes you a shitty driver, believe me. I know, I see idiots on their phones all the time driving like fools.

    These are all the basic rules of the road, and I always follow them. I haven't been pulled over ONCE and I've even passed cops going 20+ the speed limit (55 in a 35) and they weren't even phased.
  19. [quote name='"jizzledfreq"']No offense OP, but that is overdoing it. Your best protection against being caught on a road trip is to.

    1. Go the damn speed limit, it's not that hard. Don't drive slower just in case, because that looks suspicious as fuck.
    2. Wear your seat belt.
    3. Make sure your vehicle is registered.
    4. Make sure your vehicle at least has liability insurance.
    5. Use your turn signals when switching lanes
    6. Stop at stop signs and red lights
    7. Always carry extra bulbs just in case one might go out and you do get pulled over for it.
    8. Don't drive aggressively
    9. Don't freak the fuck out if a cop starts following you, they follow me all the time and I drive as if they weren't there.
    10. Don't talk on your cell phone, it makes you a shitty driver, believe me. I know, I see idiots on their phones all the time driving like fools.

    These are all the basic rules of the road, and I always follow them. I haven't been pulled over ONCE and I've even passed cops going 20+ the speed limit (55 in a 35) and they weren't even phased.[/quote]

    11. dont go over a double yellow
    12. dont run red lights
    13. dont take dabs while on the highway
    14. dont hit another car and/or person
    15. slow down at 'yield' signs
  20. Nah man, its not overkill you just dont get it. All it takes is ONE.....thats right ONE god damn time for the cop to stop me over some bullshit whether I made a mistake or not, call for k9 and find my sack. Then I got a felony and am looking at 5 years and no financial aid for college an a bunch of other shit. All those precautions PLUS more are only better. My life and freedom isnt something I like to gamble with. If you dont have experience being pulled over you really dont know. I get pulled over for the dumbest things ALL the time.

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