What do you do in life?

Discussion in 'General' started by Derrick14, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. What do you blades do in life? Work? School? Let us know what you do and how its going :)
  2. #2 Stemroach, Apr 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2011
    I search forums looking for narks that are trying to gather info about weed users...you forgot to mention what you do?...you know,to start the thread off.Also, "let US know" fkn slipped up there dude.
  3. school, blaze, disk golf and cod black ops
  4. serial killing, raping..

  5. Leech off of society.
  6. #6 Derrick14, Apr 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2011

    lmfao shut the fuck up mr. 17 posts bitch

    I dont work or go to school, buy weed whenever i have money which is every couple days

    disrespect is not tolerated
    please dont call names

  7. full time drug user part time student
  8. Touch myself mainly.
  9. I work at a local dispensary, attend medical school to be a lab tech.
  10. go to school, work at caribou coffee, play soccer
  11. School, Work out, job at a grocery store. Nothing exciting now, but I'm also in the process for enlisting in the Marines.
  12. I'm a student. Plan on being one for another 7 years or so too.

    Honestly, I'm not sure I don't just want to keep racking up massive amounts of debt and keep getting various degrees at higher ed. institutions across the world, and then just dying and screwing all the loan companies out of their money.
  13. [quote name='Derrick14']lmfao shut the fuck up mr. 17 posts bitch

    yeah 17posts but it does`nt usually take too long to see the same old questions popping up on the forums. Normally it takes more than 446 posts to gain everyone`s trust though.
  14. Wut chu talken bout?

    Never mind. :smoke:
  15. I was in school but withdrew this semester to help care for my grandfather because he had lung cancer and I was needed at home. Now that he's gone it's too late for school think I'll volunteer/work part time this summer spend some time at the beach And maybe take some classes online to catch up for the fall semester
  16. eat, take up space, smoke drugs, drink booze, sleep
  17. Live.

    Sometimes i wonder where it's written we must wake up everyday and go through the same routine week after week, in a never ending vicious cycle, to reach that oh so coveted "retirement", when you can't do shit by that age (if it ever comes) anyways! :devious:
  18. Making money/smokin/partying :)
  19. Harass kids at a local elementary, smoke pot, masturbate

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