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What do yall keep your bud in?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by LankySwag, Feb 1, 2012.

  1. I store it in a jar, but it's really not airtight and it smells a little, basically I need to purchase something off eBay to store my bud in :D

    Post up

  2. What type of jar? I use mason jars now..
    I used to use those medium sized cotton candy buckets that have the latch lids lol
  3. Small white medicine container, fits a good few grams for transport.
  4. i keep my medicine in a pill bottle haha
  5. Good old mason jar I got one of the smaller ones that holds like 20 gs
  6. Mason jar. Works wonders and was all of $3!
  7. I use the green pill bottle my dispensary puts weed in. but once i grind it all up i put it inside an altoids tin.
  8. London Drugs pill bottle that's air tight.
  9. pill bottles kept inside empty tubs of protein

  10. That sounds like a good idea. :poke:
  11. Q or less I have a baby food jar I use and then mason jars for bigger quantities. When I grind up bud for a sess I just keep it in the middle part to my grinder.
  12. #14 lar20, Feb 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2012
    i keep mine in this little pill bottle that came in a urine test. i have other pill bottles but i like the irony of keeping my drugs in something from a drug test :D i also have a mason jar for more then an 8th but i havent been picking up that much lately
  13. Yeah a mason jar is really the only way to go if you're storing shit for more than a day or two. And you can get nine for like ten bucks.

    A plastic container isn't very good no matter what kind, being that plastic breathes.

  14. What do you mean by "plastic breathes" lol
  15. Just that. It breathes. Gasses can pass through it.
  16. I keep the amount I want in each place of the house in a ziplock bag and glad ware container. The rest of it goes in my bedroom in a bag inside of a jar.

  17. Oh I understand. I thought you meant like a vapor is produced from plastic over time... lmao.

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