What did you do?

Discussion in 'General' started by KoopaKing, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. Alright so I'm a senior in high school. I have decent GPA of 3.5 and scored a 25 on my ACT. So I'm starting to apply to colleges and it always get to the point where it either asks what major you are interested in or something similar. The truth is that I have no clue. I mean some people close to me say I should pick a career that makes me want to get up in the morning or see if you can make a hobby in to a career. The thing is I have very few hobbies. I'm either on the computer,going to some concert,chilling with friends,toking,reading,I recently started to play disc golf this past year as well. I also enjoy making films,for like school projects and what not. I'm taking a film class this next semester at a community college to really see if I like it.

    I don't know if I'm too picky, lack of ambition, or just really boring haha.

    Well anyways I was just wondering what some of the people did on here to find what they want to do, and I know it may take longer to find out then just the first 18 years of my life. Looking forward to replies.
  2. I chomped down on a handful of mushrooms and went for a walk in a graveyard... That gave me a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do with my life.
  3. May I ask what you are doing with it?
  4. I would do some research and make sure whatever you want to do will be in demand after you get out of school.

    Nothing worse then wasting thousands of dollars on school then workin some fast food place or some shit
  5. i say go in undiclaired, dont choose your major yet, get all your general ed out of the way....

    i still havent 100% made up my mind on wether or not im going to college....i graduated last year, and started working full time.

    i wanna go, btu i have to pay for everyting, rent, food, auto insurance, gas, school.....everything, and at 19 its kinda hard to get a job that will pay for all that haha.

    anyways, yeah, just apply to as many schools as you can, even if you plan on NOT going there, just send in an app anyways, more options is better.

    and dont rush on picking your major
  6. I've applied to 3 universities.

    University of Western Ontario, Brock, and McMaster.

    I think I am going to try for Western if possible. I haven't figured out what I want to do with my life, but something along the lines of writing is my main choice. So I applied to the Media, Information and Technoculture program there.

    It takes time, just make sure you choose a variety of course, so you can expand upon ideas. Who knows? Maybe you'll take a course just out of curiosity, and end up liking it so much you want to further your studies.

    Trust me man, it'll all work out. Heck, all I do is write, read, play guitar and toke. But I'm no dumb ass. Just keep your options open! Good luck.

    Oh, where were you planning on applying?
  7. I started working right out of school because I had to pay for everything too, told myself I would work for a year, then go back to school. Im 21 now, bout to be 22 on the 5th, and im JUST NOW signing up for school this summer. Starting @ a tech school then transfering over prolly to IU or PU
  8. Thanks for the advice guys I do appreciate it. Hopefully some day I can return the favor.

    Bizzoo your advice is mose helpful actually. I feel like everyone has been rushing me in this so called 'plan' they think I should do. That includes going to college immediately,graduating fast,getting a high paying job and as long as you have that things should be alright. >.>

    Bizzoo advice reminded me og one of my favorite sayings that "life is not a race".
  9. I just chose my major based on my favorite highschool class. I later changed it, there's nothing wrong with changing your major. Yeah I'd say start out with a major in filming.
  10. no problem man.

    yeah, dont rush shit, i mean, dont wait around a year like i did, but dont feel like you have to have your career path set in stone before you even start school.
  11. i'm in my 2nd year of gettin an associates in business office technology. honestly, it's nothin i'm interested in, but the state is payin for 100% of it so i'm just goin with the flow for now until i really find somethin i like.

    lately though, i'm really startin to think continueing schooling isn't my thing..

    definitely give filmin a try though.
  12. I'm really looking forward to my film class. A couple friends told me about it and I ended up taking it with one of them. Hopefully it turns out really well. Good advice guys.
  13. #13 stoner_lukas, Dec 30, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2008
    I've always known what I wanted to do, as a result of a mushroom trip when I was 15. I went to school in Utah for my neuroscience degree, and now I'm in grad school working toward my masters.

    Like bizzoo said, don't rush anything. Too many people think they have to go to college right out of high school, and that's why half of them fall on their faces. Learn how to balance smoking, partying, and studying, and you're gravy. It's a work in progress. I smoke all day long, hold down a 55 hour per week job, and go to school and still get good marks. It's all about having the right mindset man.
  14. I wish that when I was 18 someone would have told me to follow my heart. That dream for a career I had when I was 5 and lasted until I was 15, that's what I really wanted to do, but I followed another direction, stupidly.

    I majored in Criminal Justice in college. Woo, go me.

    Right now I am a Legal Assistant (part time, desperate for a job) and I actually love it. It's chill, I get paid bank and don't work many hours. I am going to return to school for a paralegal certificate so I can make more money, but this is not the career path I am going to go down.

    After I make enough money I am going to get a degree in zoology. All of my friends are amazed by the knowledge of exotic species that I have, and it used to be my dream. I couldn't be more unhappy with my major choice, but now I am going to do what I want to do, not what OTHER people want me to do.
  15. Good to hear that you are doing what YOU want to do and not what others want you to Whiskey.

    stoner_Lukas, having the right mindset seems like a wonderful idea. I'll try to keep more positive.
  16. dude that's sweet...zoology and all. best of luck with that man! just save up until you can go back to school...nobody should have to put off their dreams for someone else
  17. take a look through here: http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_alph.htm

    ..I didn't know what I wanted to do either. If I'd had a list like this it would've saved me a LOT of time making a decision.

    You really don't want to get into a career where the long-term position is earning less than 100k.
  18. It's too bad that I wasted 6 years to get there and now I'm looking at four more years of college. At least I'll be done by the time I'm 30, lol.

    You'll figure out what to do. My friend went to college undeclared, took one econ class, found his calling, and that's what he's doing with his life.
  19. #19 whiskey, Dec 30, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2008

    This is the common advice, and while yes it will cause you some strife in the future if you don't make enough money to support a family and what not - if that is your future goal, I really disagree with giving someone this advise.

    It is EXACTLY that advice that took me away from not only what I love, but what I am passionate about. When I was younger my family used to SHOW me the cars of the people who worked at the zoo and would ask if I wanted to be seen in any of those cars. The truth wasn't that they weren't making enough money (they don't make enough money to be rich, but that is something that comes with advancement of knowledge and skill in ANY field) but because the zoo is next to the ocean and the water makes the cars rust.

    I understand the mindset and the reason this is said, but I say, the ONLY way to be happy is to find something that you LOVE and pursue that, otherwise how are you really going to be truly happy and fully satisfied?

    PS. The cost of that advice and listening to it is monumental to me. Not only did I completely waste 5 years of school AND all the money that goes into tuition (for a private college too), I've been working to pay off the student loans, and am STILL looking at another four years of college. So years and TONS of money were lost.
  20. ^^why i never went. this scares me.

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