What deficiency is this? Or is it mold/fungus?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by dannyjee, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. Started a new indoor grow with auto flowers beginning of this fall

    Total of 4 plants in different size pots

    The smallest plant in the smallest post entered flowering quite early (or end of vegetative). In the course of a week, various leafs have discolored significantly with the tips turning yellow and the center a dark brown/black.

    I have attached photo here below...

    Does this look like a deficiency (potassium?) or is this mold/fungus or something I'm not aware of

    Indoor temps are sometimes a bit cold at night and this specific strain as per the pictures should gain a purple tint. This however, I don't know. I'm a bit worried. Rest of the plants exhibit none of these colors. Same soil in each one.

    Can anyone chime in?

    Attached Files:

  2. So, strain causes color change to purple- but also definitely cold weather.

    I’ve heard/read that purple stems come from ph issues but I don’t know really, haven’t done enough research.. as for those yellow tips, that’s a deficiency.. this is a helpful site,
    Marijuana Nutrient Problems & Symptoms by Picture | Grow Weed Easy

    Could be copper or potassium deficiency or it could be light burn.. what are you feeding?
    you would know better just by looking at the leaves and comparing!
    Hope this helps !
  3. We need a pic of the whole plant.............not only do how the leaves look go into determining what the cause is.......but also, where on the plant those leaves are located

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