I watered the plants yesterday because I noticed the soil looked dry, and when I checked on them today they looked kinda shriveled up and one of them has browning leaves, I tried flushing them earlier to see if that would do anything but can anyone help me save these plants?
The watering is easy, just wait longer between waterings but still water the same amount when you do. For the pH, you'll need a pH tester. I prefer to use broad spectrum pH drops. They're pretty cheap. You get some pure water & verify that its pH is 7. Wait until watering time and water the soil completely. Let it sit for at least an hour and then squeeze out some of the liquid, usually by just pressing on the soil surface and collecting the runoff. Finally, use the pH drops to test the liquid. To correct the soil pH, you can use pH Up or pH Down products, garden lime or acidic & alkaline fertilizers.
Sorry for the delay responding. Most soil mixes should be around 6.5. Soilless substrates like coco & others need a lower pH near 6.