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What can I do with my vaped weed?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by UKStoner 420, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Cook with IT!!!  70 grams of AVB (already vaped bud) and 1 pound of butter cooking in a pot.  People will laugh at you and tell you there is no thc in the AVB but there IS!!!!  Vaped bud is PERFECT, and I mean PERFECT for cooking with. The process of decarboxylation or activating your weed is already done with vaped bud. Be sure to lightly vaporize your herbs until “toasted”, black vaped bud is no good. Staying between 350-375 degrees F is ideal, this way a lot of the cannabinoids are left in tact. When the vaporizer heats the weed this process decarboxylizes the cannabis converting the inactive THC-A and CBD-A into the psychoactive THC and CBD…ya know, the stuff that gets us high as kites. Using AVB is a very effective and efficient way to make edibles because we can extract the left over cannabinoids and bind them to some dank ass butter

  2. I prefer to call it shmegma
  3. If you like the occasional popper you can top a bowl of tobacco with it, milk a fat bong rip and it feels and tastes like a normal popper. 10 minute insane head high your in the clouds
  4. Eurgh I can't stand baccy bong rips xD Make me gag to fuck :p
  5. Damn, would love that stuff over here in Latvia so I can put it in my joints instead of tobacco. :D

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