What Attitudes That Other People Take Piss You Off?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Deleted member 506764, May 19, 2013.

  1. #21 Komatic, May 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2013
    People with Envy routed in there personality that it drives them to torture the ones they envy. IE maintain a friend relationship but secretly hating on the person your friends with by dishonoring them in your friend circles. 
    If I envy someone I admire them, I don't go about fucking hating on them or telling other people what that persons problems are, trying to look all superior to them. I am unfortunate enough to know some weak minded people in my time. People who don't fucking know what to believe in or treat the other people around them. It's like there purpose on this planet is less defining than an ant. AND I FUCKING LIKE ANTS DAMN IT!
    I guess good thing is we are not forced to chill with these people or know there thoughts about you. 
    Thank gracious GOD we don't have to suffer that!  :blink:  
    I would also like to state that these kinda of people are like dictators who think they can turn you into their slaves because they can't place any value on the beauty of there existence. They think they have been cursed from the moment they were born by God and look to hurt people that believe in God. and they do not stop until that very belief of yours is crushed to the point were you yourself believe that you are as pathetic as they are.
    These people are like cancer.  

  2. Being passive aggressive. People who think they are not being a bitch if they don't directly name the person they are talking about, or don't directly come out and say what they think.  Nope, your still a bitch. 
    People who provoke others and then when they get a reaction say that the person needs to calm down. 
    People who always have to dominate the conversation. 
    Females who have to have everything with a penis wrapped around their finger. 
    People who can't let others have an opinion but feel that it's their job to pick it apart and try to make the other person feel stupid. 
  3. Just lazy people who don't wanna help themselves by getting a job but complain about not having nice things. And people wit the tough guy attitude who always brag about storys of how they kicked so and so's ass.
  4. #24 steelhound56, May 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2013
    Self Projectors piss me off pretty bad. However, I also feel sorry for them as well. Most of them have no idea that they are even doing it. 
    Passive Aggressive people. 
    Busybodies. I dont nose into your business, so leave me alone. 
    People with authority complexes. I work part time as a nutritional consultant (Literally have been doing this job longer than my co worker has been employed at our company) and one of my full time co workers feels the need to try and "train" me on various topics about nutrition and aspects of our company that I ALREADY KNOW AND HAVE BEEN AWARE OF FOR LONGER THAN YOU HAVE BEEN WORKING HERE!!! You're not my boss, you're my co worker, and the only reason you have that job is because I turned down the spot because it would be too difficult to work and go to school full time! Makes me wanna slap a bitch. 
    Sorry for the vent, but I feel better now. 
  5. I can't stand the overly politically correct types.  These are the people that get offended when they see Christmas decorations in a school building or a store window.  These are the people that give trophies to kids just for participating.  They are too easily offended by damn near everything.  They expect celebrities to apologize for being a bad role model to their kids.  They sue fast food joints for making them obese.  They somehow think their cause is important enough to start a online advocacy group.  These people are just waiting in the wings to be offended by the next issue that they read about on Twitter.  They are incapable of enjoyng life.
  6.  Fear of spiders.  Not the pathological fear of them, but the culturally-learned fear of them.
     I swear, some people pretend to fear spiders just to seem more normal.  Really odd.
  7. dafuq? who does that? If a spider is dangling in front of me I would slap the shit outta it. But if I was in a room full of spiders I would scream like a little bitch and start shootin a deagle everywhere lol.
    Internet thugs are annoying i guess.
  8. What's a deagle?  I've never heard that before haha
  9. a sense of entitlement for stuff people cant afford or dont need. 
  10. Gossipers.
    People that claim they know everything about everything, when they actually don't have a clue what they're talking about.
  11. Desert Eagle its a type of gun.
  12. OH, lmfao okay. For some reason my brain likened "shooting a deagle" to "shitting a brick".   I thought it was some obscure slang lmao
  13. That made giggle :)
  14. Hippies and holier than thou stoners. Anyone who is positive 100% of the time. 
  15. People who go on about 'The state of the planet' but are so far from living sustainably. Quite often blame society for everything that is wrong in the world yet play no active role in fixing it. 
    People who act like weed is for them when it's really not (we all know that one guy). In reality they have paranoid tendencies and go through anxiety attacks but just pass it off and continue using. Often come up with a fake medical reason because they seem to think I give a shit why they smoke.
    People who say they got "fucked up on weed". Didn't know that was possible. more importantly if you're on a good high why continue toking for a bad buzz and wasting weed?
    People who don't realise that their opinion is an opinion.
    People who overly complain about their first world problems.
    pretty much this and when people are just generally stuck up and act like they can't be bothered to talk to you cos you don't have what they want. people like that fucking annoy me so much. being just a tiny bit friendly goes such a long way.
    also repetitiveness. when people repeat the same jokes or stories or anything else an excessive amount of times.
  17. #37 geetardude, Jul 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2013
    Those who think EVERYONE on disability/Social Security Income are leeches and CHOOSE not to work but are able to. Because that is obviously the case 100% of the time... fucking asshats. The reality is that 9/10 of these people are too ignorant/young to have the slightest clue how the system actually works. Its not charity when you PAID into the system for decades, jackass!
    oh, and those that absolutely HAVE TO try to assign me some form of political affiliation. I don't have one, PERIOD! Sorry, you can't pigeon-hole me like that, save your condescension for other like-minded people (weak-minded).
  18. I understand some people legitimately need and deserve SS or disability and that's fine but there are people that can work and have never worked but still collect. That shit bothers me because people have this attitude that they're entitled to just not work and have everything paid for because they feel like life is too hard for them or some bullshit. And then I feel like they don't even appreciate that everyone else has to work harder to carry them when they never put a penny into the system to begin with.
  19. one of my mates thinks by saying "it's my opinion" makes what he said ok. We were jammin in his car eating some maccy dees high as balls, and an indian family pull up next to us, their windows are rolled down and so are ours, and my mate shouts some racist remarks, i turn around and say "what the fuck bro that's not cool" and he says "whatever man, i dont like *insert racial comment*". So i tell him hes a fucking racist and he just goes "its my opinion man, we all have one" like that's supposed to justify being and ignorant vagina. Dont get me wrong, he is safe as fuck, but the fact that he is an ignorant dick and admits to being racist makes me wanna punch him in the throat, so yeah people like that piss me off.
  20. #40 sapien, Jul 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2013
    Extremism, be it right or left.

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