What are your 3 thing you like to do while high?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by OCKID99, Feb 7, 2009.

  1. 1. talk with friends
    2. smoke more
    3. watch t.v.
    4. play videogames
    5. wrestle the snake
    6. shower
  2. 1) Listen to some good tunes
    2) Chill with friends
    3) Relax (if its after work)
  3. 1. watch fish swim around in their tank.
    2. listen to music
    3. cruise around
  4. - Listen to music
    - Chill with friends
    - Eat
    - Shower
    - Videogames
  5. 1. Listen to music
    2. Talk about philosophy
    3. Play strategic videogames
  6. 1. Listen to music
    2. Watch Tv/Movies
    3. Jack off
  7. 1. Music
    2. Movies
    3. Eat
    4. Video Games
    5. Sleep
    6. Pull the pork
  8. !. throw on some headphones and just close my eyes to some floyd

    2. eat lots of food, espeacially anything that is sour

    3. read a book. ( sounds hard but once you start reading you can get lost into once)

    4. mastrooobatiin

    5. mastrooobatiin

    6. mastrooobatiin

  9. you lead such a fascinating life...

  10. hell yea to fish tanks!

    Attached Files:

  11. Smoke more weed
    Eat some good food
    Burn some Kamel Reds
    Play videogames

    In that order.
  12. 1. Listen to some tunes
    2. take a cig walk
    3. find more weed
    4. repeat
  13. -eatttt fastfood
    -chill with ALOT of people, usually i like to smoke wit a couple people then meet up wit more ppl and smoke again.
    -drivee around with people and listen to music
    -and go to school hahaha
  14. 1. muzic [house/ or drum&bass
    2. Burger King
    3. watch any movie of Quantin Tarantino
  15. Drive down country roads in the middle of the night with your headlights off.
    Play SNES.

    Kind of like what I did tonight.
  16. Top 3:
    - Chillin with friends
    - Eating
    - Fucking

    - Trippin out to music
    - Wrestling
    - Driving fast
    - Swimming

    And of course, smoking more.
  17. watch bad t.v.
    eat (duh)
    music (of course)
  18. 1. SEX! Of course thats # 1!

    2. Watch good movies!

    3. Play some games...especially pool if I have the chance to!

    - Seasonal -
    Go to the beach!
  19. #39 brewsky, Feb 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2009
    listen to music
    play gta san andreas
    go to walmart and explore
    drive around aimlessly
  20. 1.) Anything to do with music (listen, write, play)
    2.) Fuck around with strangers
    3.) Females... =]

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