What are you gonna do with your rebate check?

Discussion in 'General' started by jellybeansryummy, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. So, seein as to how the senate finally passed this Economic Stimulus Package. We should all be recieving approx. $600 in the mail sometime this spring.

    My question to you is, what are you gonna do with yours?

    Personally, I'm prolly gonna buy my first zip, and the rest goes to Credit card debt.

    Nothin like "free" weed from the government, lol
  2. hookers, no question
  3. How does this shit work? Do you have to pay taxes to get the rebate check?
  4. Buy some bud, a digi camera, and some soft corals such as frogspawn.
  5. Bud and a new bong, I think. :D What else!?
  6. I heard about this in history class. It's only for people who pay taxes and if you make $70000 or more you get a $600 check and if you make less than $70000 you get $300. Not too shabby
  7. The way I understand it, if you earned between $3,000 and 75,000 and paid taxes, then you get it. Plus 300 for each child.

    I could be wrong, but i think that's how it is.

    Edit: actually, here's a l;ink to a news article. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/02/07/congress.economy/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
  8. from what i have read, if you make 24k+ a year you get 600 (if you are single). if you make less than that you get 300.
  9. No rebate for me...I get paid like this:

    (under the table, you mo-mo)
  10. I would think it'd make more sense to give more money to those who don't make as much and vice versa. I would think the poorer of us folk would be more apt to spend it on bills, shit, etc...

    people who make more I think would be more likely to just bank it. Thus, negating the entire point behind the checks.
  11. weed. or something to smoke weed out of or grow weed with.
  12. good call eleven :D

  13. lol hell yeah!

    I'm fucking pissed! We dont get the checks untill MAY!! THE FUCKING MONTH AFTER APRIL arghhh. OH well 420 wont suffer too much. I might buy a half, and give the other half to my gf to add to our disneyland fund :)
  14. ..they pay you with children? :confused:

  15. I beleive this year i'm going to save my check, or maybee put it into some plane tickets for a vacation fund over the summer, it's been a long, long time since i've been out of the country.

  16. Man, I wish I got that check, I'd buy some bud and probably a digital camera or something.
  17. LOL waaay wrong.

    here goes kiddies:
    If you make 15k-75k, you get $600.
    If your spouse makes 15k-75k, you get another $600.
    Then after that, $300 for each child you have.:wave::smoke:
  18. I just think it's rediculous. I mean of course nobody is going to complain about getting a "free" $600 from the government. But A) This is tax money you already paid, so you're not "getting" anything for free. And you're going to have to pay it back in a few years through raised taxes anyway, so it's more of a loan that you have to pay back in double.

    Plus we're in the middle of a fucking war. What a great time to just give money away.
  19. Lots of weed....don't know what else
  20. Quit fucking bitching....it's not like you're going to send the $600 back

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