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What are you doing tonight?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Weed_is_life, Mar 25, 2006.

  1. I toked up so much tonight. I shared a big blunt with friends, and a tightly packed joint with regs, but really really good regs. Definately did the job wonderfully, I'm blaized as life. Also I picked out the seeds in the stuff (which was $60 for an ounce) cause I like it so much. Hopefully that grow will be successful. What are you up to tonight?
  2. man i smoked myself retarded tonight, so im just gonna sit back and relax lol
  3. Smoking bongs and watching monty python.
  4. tonight, i'm working, then probably blazing all day, maybe drink. who knows?
  5. Smoking out of the new bong for now tonight ill probally hit up a hookah lounge not sure though :smoking:
  6. Taking my tolerance break so I got drunk and played with glowsticks.
  7. Working tonight until 8:30, then who knows, probably be blazing.
  8. Tonight I dunno whats gonna go down but I do know that Im gettin money today cus Im gonna find a place to buy my guitar cus I dont play it.
  9. This is my first night finally ungrounded after three weeks. My plans consist of getting to the point where I forget how to speak.
  10. hmmm..just got back from Chattanooga...I'm ery I guess I'll be getting zooted tonight...after I wake up...
  11. Picking up a quarter of dro for 100 (I shall have pics up as soon as I get it) and smoking mad steamrollers.
  12. smokin a couple bowls, then makin some spinach ravioli. haha i know it sounds sick but it is soooo good. then prolly watchin team america.
  13. Smoken a few bowls tonite and then go lookin for more maryjane
  14. Smoked a bit from my bong + spoon. FUCKING BLAZED watching the simpsons and eating hot pockets probaly pop southpark in N watch that
    God damn It's been a while since I was this stoned
  15. Try to cop some bud for like 8 hours, called so many people.. no luck

    so im stuck with a coke/bean comedown, been feelin shitty all fucking day I just took 3 sleeping pills I hope it knocks me out for a few days so I can get over this
  16. Just had some huge rips off The Reverend and now I'm watching Mythbusters and eating some munchies. :smoke:
  17. Try to cop some bud for like 8 hours, called so many people.. no luck

    so im stuck with a coke/bean comedown, been feelin shitty all fucking day I just took 3 sleeping pills I hope it knocks me out for a few days so I can get over this
  18. ^^ Meh. Sorry about your night.
    I just got finished smoking some resin. Nothing big, but I'm about to go watch some Nick @ Night, think about warm weather, drink some grape fanta, eat something yummy, and just chill.
    Happy Saturday, blades. :smoke:
  19. i just got outta work at 10 and smoked with a couple friends. went home and drinking a pint of jager at the moment
  20. :confused: all my plans fell through for the night. first I was supposed to get some green from a friend, but he was all out, so I called a few friends up to get drunk tonight, but no one could hang out. So then I called a few friends to try to get some blow, but no luck. so now I'm sitting here, almost sober and hating it!

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