What are things that have changed about you since you started smoking?

Discussion in 'General' started by TheHighRoad, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. And where do you think you'd be if you had never smoked cannabis?
  2. Im more outgoing, happier, Ive learned a lot about myself, and it has slightly helped with my anxiety.

    Without it, either I would be at some college doing something I hate, or in jail or dead after becoming the next serial killer
  3. I can see "through the bullshit" better. It's hard to explain but I know a lot of stoners feel the same.

    It's something my boyfriend and I do together. It's a part of us and our relationship. Even when we have bad days and it's hard to relate to each other, we can always relax and smoke a bowl.

    I don't think I'd be the same person if I never smoked. I've come to like who I am as a person after smoking. It made me confident to be myself and accept that I don't have much of anywhere to call home. I see what's important and what's not.
  4. it allows me to step back and look at life for what it really is, and it's made me realize.. life is short.. and to start living.. so I have :)
  5. Indeed. :D Also, as weird as it seems, I'm not as paranoid as I used to be.

  6. I like this answer!

    Interesting, guys. Cool to read... :D
  7. I notice everyones hidden motives.

    Yes, even yours.


  8. Hmm, explain?
  9. I definitely know more about myself. It could just be age, but I think some of it may be due to all the pondering I've done since I've started tokin' herb. I can also see the beauty in everything and I've begun living my young life as I should.

    I can, also, read people better. Like their intentions, personality and whether or not they'd make a good friend. Before I was very easily taken advantage of.

    Now, I'd dare someone to try to.

    I don't even like to think about where I'd be without it... :D
  10. i hit people at drive thrus
  11. my moods have decreased hugely, im a much more chilled out easy going person then i was 3 years ago, iv met so many new interesting people in the past 6 months due to smoking. only negative is that i can get agitated easily when im dry but that can be said about a lot of people. but weed has brought many positives to my life :smoking:
  12. #12 _Salty_, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2009
    Id probably be dead. I smoked once a long time ago and then I quit, became a stupid little emo crybaby and hated being alive. I started smoking weed again and now I live it up and want to stay alive
  13. I have a much brighter outlook. I mean, I used to be really cynical, and I still am but now it's only jokingly. I also noticed I'm alot more tolerant and easy going. I used to have a temper, and now it's close to 0. Friends have purposely tried to piss me off just to see if it's possible which is kinda funny. Before I would've snapped. And I'm alot more social than I've ever been. In the last 3 weeks, I've wandered into partys where I knew exactly 0 people, and I ended up having a blast and now speak to some of the people I met pretty regularly. Before I would've never even thought about it.
  14. I am alot hairyer now

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