What are the odds...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by pinkpankpunk, May 24, 2010.

  1. So today, me and my two friends were in the woods smoking as always. Being in the woods stoned is amazing, especially breaking sticks, a passtime my friends and I enjoy. Anyways we had just smoked and then we stared breaking sticks. So we all break a few and are having fun when my friend mark picks up a stick to my left, and instinctually I turn to the left to watch. He hits the stick, and i swear to god this is when everything went in slow motion, the stick breaks in two directions one to the right, and one right at me. Mark is a pretty strong guy and broke the stick with ALOT of force, so as the piece is flying at me over 60mph i start to say "mark dude" when the stick straight up hits me on my dick :eek:. Not even my balls or anything thank god, but just my dick, and the stick was travelling so fast that I actually feel backward because of the impact. On the ground I felt one of the most awful pains ever, and apparently I was whimpering. Either way it hurt like fuck, and now (4 hours later) my dick is swollen and bruised. I mean seriously though what are the odds, anyways does anyone else have any funny wtf stories like this?
  2. You break sticks for fun....?You must live in a REALLY boring town.
  3. A wise man said: breaking sticks on trees rules, but getting hit in the dick drools.

  4. this.

    lol, what kind of hobby is that..??
  5. i think natural selection will back for you in your future and this time it won't beat around the bush, or dick in your case.

  6. I think it's a sign that you should remain dickless for the rest of your natural life. :)
  7. i think it was a sign from god

    the sign being that if you find enjoyment in breaking sticks... maybe dont reproduce ;)
  8. Have many of you have actually tried breaking sticks? damn you guys are judgmental :(

  9. hahahaahahah!

  10. hahaha what the fuck
  11. My only point was what are the odds that it would hit my dick, out of literally anywhere else
  12. Never found enjoyment in breaking sticks but I am guilty of having played a few games of Pick Up Sticks back in the day.


  14. bigger picture of yarn car:

  15. :laughing: dude u cant beat the yarn car...
  16. Damn I bet that guy has to beat the ladies away with a stick driving around in that pussy magnet. I can just imagine it, her:"I love that paint-job on your car" him:"bitch that ain't paint its yarn, I did it myself, I used all the time I had NOT getting laid to do it"
  17. :laughing:fucks wrong wit u bitch?? feel that..feel that...yeeeeeeaaaaa, yarn....1 of a kind, cant find that nowhere ho!!
  18. Thanks for the new signature.

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