Rep points add green blocks above your user name. That\'s pretty much it. The system isn\'t used properly so it\'s unfortunately not a very good indicator of anything.
Long time ago, I made a post asking the mods if they give themselves full bars of rep or not when the mod account is made and they neg repped me -1000. That was pretty unfair to me
That\'s not as innocent as it sounds and not how it was asked. I just looked up all of your rep and the posts associated with it and it wasn\'t 1000 points in one punch...and didn\'t even add up to that all together. It was spread out and justifiably. Superjoint was the first to negative rep you due to questioning the intergrity of those that run this site including him. You questioned it again and got it again from him. You then got it from me, Indy, Hempress and Cottons. You got banned by a Super Mod and I listened to your plea to come back and allowed it. I shouldn\'t have at the time because you had been warned repeatedly about many different issues but I used my own judgement and allowed you to stay. I personally unbanned you. Now, I question my judgement. There\'s a ton of threads regarding rep so this one is now is closed.