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What am i smoking?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Omega&Alpha, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. Ok so pretty dark green / some purple leaves, fluffy, sweet smell when squished, very intense dome high, not to bad on the cotton mouth and feel like being active...?
  2. pics or GTFO

    edit: how can we tell u if we cant see it
  3. as long as its some bud, ur good

  4. Don't be a dick and by the way it's a sativa
  5. if you worried about it being fake bud shit just smoke it and you'll be able to tell right away because the fake stuff tastes like dog shit.....not that I know what it tastes like. Sativas are body highs and really clear headed so it may be that.

  6. Wait I think you got it wrong correct me if you will but indicas are body high couchlock, and sativas are head highs to where you can go do shit
  7. Not tryin to be smart as just wanted to make sure
  8. this is kind of a shitty pic but best i can do atm

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  9. Not worried about it being fake just been smoking a shit load of different types lately and am trying to learn the names of the strains I understand indica and sativa just not the diff strains. should have been more specific
  10. we really cant get much more specific though, really hard to tell what strain it is even from a pic

  11. I guess I will have to try and learn to describe them better or grow my own!!! Hopefully get a license soon

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