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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Chenry, Aug 15, 2019.

  1. I have noticed that people are smoking weed differently than they used to. I’m pretty old and when I take a hit I hold it in for a while but I’m seeing people online and in person smoking like it’s tobacco. Are people afraid of getting stoned or what. Seems like a waste of good weed. Recently I had a vape pen and a cartridge of Jack Herer and I offered a hit to someone who treated it like a Marlboro and kept asking for more. What’s up with that?
  2. The first doctor who wrote me a prescription for weed told me holding in a toke is basically pointless because... I don't remember exactly, but this article explains it pretty well.

    I still hold in hits when I'm not thinking about it though. lol
  3. That's what I do when I hit a bong.....if im smoking J's or B's....."i smoke it like tobacco"
  4. You don't really need to hold in hits more than 2 or 3 seconds. The THC is already in the lung at that point, anything more you feel is just from the lack of oxygen.

    The thc-a and THC is decarboxylated the second you toke and that's all you need to feel stoned.

    The reason you smoke like this probably because it's just a tradition that hippies did. It's really not vital to "inhale deep" to get high. Though it does taste good to some I guess and if you like doing it than keep deep inhaling. There's really no right way to inhale as long as you inhale.
  5. Lol my dads 61 and i had to expain this to him,,as long as u inhale correctly ur gonna absorb all the cannabinoids there is to offer all holding it does is make u light headed and gives the illusion ur higher

    Sent from my SM-J727P using Tapatalk
  6. I don't hold my smoke in for 10 seconds but holding it for 3 seconds sounds about right. Even if 95% of the THC is immediately absorbed (we need some documentation for that) I'll spend an extra 3 seconds to get it all. What's the rush? If anyone has a reliable source saying it's a waste of time I'd love to see it.
  7. Can someone help me out with the germination process? I just got gorilla glue #4 seeds and I don't wanna go straight to soil like I have in the past.
  8. This really isn't the place for your question but what do you need help with? I've found the most bomb proof way to sprout seeds is to put them about a half inch deep in moist seed starter in a party cup and put some plastic over the top to keep it from drying out. Take off the plastic for a few minutes each day to give it fresh air and remove the plastic as soon as you see them starting to poke up.
  9. Every where else results in no response this the 3rd response to any of my questions since Tuesday. : (
  10. I will keep my questions out of here, my bad man.
  11. It's not a big deal. I saw your plants in another thread and think they look pretty good.
  12. Thanks bro. I changed everything for my clones. I used all miracle grow products for that plant which is the mother. But yesterday I bought all fox farm stuff. I'm trying to start a journal on here so I can log everything from miracle grow project and compare it to the fox farm grow.
  13. You can say what you want but she wasn’t getting stoned on Jack Herer at the same time one hit was doing fine for me and I have a decent tolerance

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