What’s Next For Legalization 2019/2020

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by dobro49, Sep 13, 2019.

  2. I believe it when I see it. I don't see the pharmaceutical industry giving in without a fight. They have tons of money and they control Washington DC.
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  3. Big Pharma is powerful, and they tried to beat us in the states, too. But they lost there, and continue to lose at the state level. - They aren't stupid. They can see where the public is going and will ride the legalization tsunami like everyone else. - They're much more worried about Bernie Sanders right now. 8^)
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  4. It’s illegal?
    • Funny Funny x 3
  5. The problem with that logic, is that it's logical. Leftists don't care about white people. When a white person is arrested for weed, meh. When they're not white it's magically racism every time. Its fucking pathetic.

    People just want weed to be legal and left the fuck alone to smoke and grow our herb but these cucks can't help but desecrate that initiative with their bullshit race baiting. No, we should not be "giving back to communities most harmed by the drug war" they're mostly ghetto shitholes where people would rather sell drugs than get a real job. No we should not "allocate business licenses for minorities and women" whoever's most qualified and can afford it gets the job. That's business and reality. But apparently being equal is being against equality according to these clowns. Beyond parody at this point.
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  6. Sorry, but you have a very twisted world view. -- All the left means is representing ALL the people, and not just the rich, as the Republicans and corporate Democrats do. - You have been deeply fooled, along with so many others. - Left vs Right is meaningless to the working class. The only real divide is between the rich and the poor.

    There are NO differences between Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, etc. - You have been raised on a diet of hate and bigotry. Of course, we should lift all communities out of poverty. -- But it's not marijuana reform's job to do, and we couldn't do it, even if it was. - Marijuana reform needs to focus all its assets and energy on what has ALWAYS been our goal. - End the fraudulently enacted, marijuana prohibition, and stop ALL punishment of adult consumers.

    Achieving that real goal ASAP is the best way we can contribute to justice, peace and freedom. - What we shouldn't be doing is letting other kinds of goals - like this dubious "equity" business - to slow down legalization even for a moment. - We've been fighting too long (decades) and there is too much at stake to allow these kinds of distractions.
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  7. Don't get me started with Monsanto. Among the many evil things they do is genetically modify crops, patent the genome, corner the market, and then shut out out all seed sellers. This effectively gives them ownership of about 75 percent of our food supply. Now they plan to do the same thing with cannabis. -- They must be stopped at all costs. - Marijuana belongs to the people. We have paid for it dearly, with a hundred years of persecution, suffering and death!

    CVS and other companies, will be dealing in Hemp and CBD products. While I like CBD, the push to legalize hemp and CBD, while leaving THC criminally prohibited has always irked me. It's like there's this group of people saying "We're going to get what WE want out of the marijuana plant, but you can't have what you want.

    This feeling grew even worse when the most evil person on the planet, Mitch McConnell, jumped on the hemp bandwagon and is going hard after CBD, as well.

    As Senate Majority Leader, McConnell is most directly responsible for the disastrous trashing of our vital institutions, and our efforts to end war and stop the incineration of Earth.

    He is the primary pillar and support of the demented train-wreck that sits in the White House. And he has roadblocked every marijuana reform measure from proceeding through the senate. - All the while, he furiously pushes the legalization of hemp and CBD, so he and his Kentucky pals can get more obscenely wealthy.

    This has made it hard to view hemp and CBD legalization without all the evil twisting through it. There's a small, silver lining to it though. A federal judge just ruled Indiana's ban on smoking hemp is unconstitutional!

    This is a whole new ball game, with hemp legalization now helping to re-legalize marijuana!

    Judge Barker ruled that the fact that local law enforcement may need to adjust tactics and training in response to changes in federal law is not a sufficient basis for enacting unconstitutional legislation

    I doubt if police are going to be able to "adjust their tactics" anytime soon. I see every marijuana consumer keeping a hemp/CBD joint on hand to smoke as cover and protection against the goons of the Marijuana Inquisition. 8^)
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  8. While true that talks have been dead. It is not out of a lack or interest or likelihood. But rather. Have you seen all that has been going on in politics since 2016??? There hasnt been much peace and quiet time to talk about it, seems a crisis of some sort happens every week and then people are stuck on it. This leaves little room for talk of weed. This isnt to say it wont happen in the near future but rather that people's minds are currently elsewhere.

    Ultimately it will be legalized. We all know that. Just how slow are they gonna drag it out is the question. They just passed the cannabis banking bill.

    Also, one more point I'd like to make. So long as Mitch McConnell is the head of Senate. You will never see legalization. Mitch is anti legalization and likely wont change. Unfortunately he has a good bit of power in helping such a thing happen. So in 2020 if Mitch is voted out. We will have a SIGNIFICANTLY easier time passing cannabis legislation.
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Yea, I agree. I almost don’t wish to have a weed fight in this political environment as described above. I am interested to see what states make moves in the legalization area in the coming months for the 20 ballot.
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  10. The good thing is that not long ago, we were asking if it is possible for it to become legal. Now, we are asking WHEN will it become legal. Big difference and a move in the right direction.
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  11. I don’t know how to link but I just got an email saying that the house passed the banking act dealing with pot stores. Any positive step is nice.
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. It won't matter what McConnell wants after the election. Both Sanders and Warren have promised to end marijuana prohibition by executive order. https://prospect.org/day-one-agenda...bA2UC6xV0HLh-oShAAzMlzHC_LOCZGjPagewnF_95iwWA
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  13. I am ALWAYS ready to have a "weed fight." - We have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. - The American people are with us (65 percent). Only corruption stands in the way, and that is collapsing rapidly.
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  14. #35 jontomas, Sep 26, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2019
    I just do it the easy way. 8^) Yahoo is now part of Oath

    Just copy and paste.
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  15. Anyone know anything about Indiana?

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  16. The capital is India................??:love-m3j:

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  18. That is a good question now that Illinois is on board. I’m always cheering for another legal state.
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  19. Yeah its gonna be a challenge here i think

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