Were we always high as babies?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by McSoap, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. I'm serious. What I mean is that, as babies, we don't understand shit very much. We get very happy and always had a sense of wonder of astonishment. And everything has a strange unique aspect to it when you think of it. And we have no real interest on our "ego" Same shit when you're stoned basically. What I think is that as we get older, we realize more... And we get sad. And realities negatives get lodged deep in our subconscious. Do you think as babies we have the same outlook as when we are high? Does smoking pot give you baby knowledge?
  2. Tripping babies
  3. Its called being a baby
  4. Because as babies everything we experience is new and when were high we perceive everything differently. Which in turn is also new to us. Maybe making a connection between the two.
  5. You grow up and become senile and it's all gone.
  6. I know what you mean. It seems like you are right for the most part. As babies we are happy as shit, full of wonder ect. Basically born "blissed out", then as we get older, we are conditioned to think otherwise.

    Now the question would be do you want to return to this state of mind? I sure do.

    with enough dedication and patience...

    see you there
  7. I like to see it as part of the brain throwing the world and other people's views into the same category. Let me try to explain better, I realized recently that being around all these other people and listening to them made me sync all that information with myself. These people had negative causing views so I started to dislike life which in turn caused my mind to think I disliked everything but I just needed to sit down and change my mind into something more compatible with myself or being or soul or world (however you'd like to view it) . So everything until I dd that was a filler or a time consumer from what I actually wanted to do (fix a poor mind or change my focus/intention).
    So it's like the babies are seeing the world for themselves and what it is, happy. And not including the ducked up views that comes when a ton of different people are together and seeing another view as a threat and not another way of living. I see it as a part reason with some above things included and probably an underdeveloped brain
  8. Everything is novel and spectacular when you are experiencing it for the first time.

    Pot enhances novelty, that's for sure. I think it says something about pot, but yeah I can see the similarities of being young and looking at the world in wonder and being high and looking at the world in wonder.

    Something I notice about ganj is that it makes it easier for me to ignore my ego, which gives me a fresher outlook and perspective. Is this what you are talking about?
  9. Babies have silent minds, beginner's minds. I think the reason why they are so intrigued by reality is because it is all a complete mystery. If they see a tree, it is a mystery to them what it is. As one grows up, we learn to look at a tree and associate it with the word "tree", so now instead of being a mystery it is familiar and not exciting, because we know what it is.

    It is a great achievement to achieve the mind of a silent observer, of one like a baby. Yes, it's possible. With cannabis, I think its the same idea. No more short term memory and if you're high enough you really don't have much of a memory at all. Therefore when you see a tree you don't immediately associate it with being a tree, you just see it for what it is, not as a representation in language. That's why the high is so intoxicating and wonderful, because you are like the newborn child again.

    Just an idea.
  10. That was actually Beautiful man lol
  11. Lolll at title
  12. there was some study that showed cannabinoids would be released in infants, to make them hungry and cry for breastmilk. Something like that.

    which is why when u smoke weed you get the munchies, its a trait leftover from when you were an infant.
  13. *Butthead Laugh*

    High babies...lol
  14. ignorance is bliss man
  15. I've always thought that when I was a baby it was like i was high
  16. Maybe cuz babies are not yet conditioned. They still are 'fresh' so to speak. I like the idea doublevision shared with us.

    The mind of a child.. I want it. All the time.
  17. Wow I need to get off GC I'm here too much. But I have a 15 month old and "The Beginner's Mind" was brought up so I must comment with a excerpt from a book I'm reading. "Buddhism for Mother's of Young Children".

    "As mothers we are priviledged to be with our toddlers when they experience their first encounters with common objects like mirrors, shadows, puddles, bugs or autumn leaves-"

    "Alex taught me to adopt that Zen Buddhists call a 'beginner's Mind' where we come to each new experience as if for the first time rather than with all our old prejudices. A toddler has a Beginner's Mind by default because he is a beginner at life. These small people challenge us to take a look at familiar objects and situations as though we had never seen them before."

    Yes children are high all the time, literally high on life, in awe of it. They become bored easy because they want to expand their experiences, if you were in a completely new world, you would want to explore it too. It's like the high you get off weed, everything you do normally is now a new and different feeling than the norm.
  18. That breast milk tripped me out dude!!
  19. Lol, babies aren't high. Probably most of us weren't raised in extremely shitty, appalling conditions or know many babies who are. They usually get taken away and put in a place with better conditions. Conditions where their brains aren't busy expressing fear and other negative emotions. If the baby's body is always hungry, always fearful of when it'll get the next meal, or experiencing consistent pain and discomfort, the brain will be firing those neurons in the area of the brain responsible for expressing fear and whatnot. If you keep a baby happy and not in a consistent fearful state, it'll have time to express awe and wonderment, love and other "positive" emotions. They should still learn fear, but you don't want it all the time because that can affect them til death. The more you work out those neurons, the easier it becomes. Our brain is run on electricity, and we all know that that takes the path of least resistance..

    Another factor could be mimicry, which could play into the "brainwaves lining up with caregiver" thing. Once they learn to associate a physical expression from the parent with an emotional response, when they think about it, they're automatically working out the similar areas in the brain. It's like if you're watching a video on how to build something. When you're viewing a simple task, like how to hammer a nail, there is just a little bit of activity. That brain activity is usually similar to the brain activity you would have if you were actually completing the task. When the video progresses, it get more and more complex. Hammer this here, cut here, drill here, do this first, then this step, complete this step, but only after you've done this step, and blah blah blah, you brain will be a lot more active. The increased brain activity will also be about the same increased brain activity as if you were actually doing the complex steps first hand. So the simple act of observing and interpreting emotions in others around you can increase brain activity in the areas of your brain responsible for those emotions.

    If you smiled every time you were angry or pretended to be angry every time you were happy around your baby, it would associate those actions with those emotions. It'd leave a lasting impact that could possibly be reversed, but chances are their brain would still react to a smile as anger at first until they processed it, which takes but a split second sometimes.

    I had an ex once who called an apple an orange, when I said something, she said she called it an apple the whole time. She did it again a couple other times, but also vice versa. I asked her dad about it and he said when he first taught her what they were, he switched them cause he thought it'd be funny. He said he only did it for a lil bit and then told her what's really what, but that lil bit stuck with her because that's what she was first taught.

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