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Went to Exams high :)!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Amped, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Hey guys :) I had an afternoon exam, my last one, today. It was an english exam, and i decided to take a few hits from my MFLB before the exam. So before i left i got a little buzz on, then when i got there i was like really high it creeped up on me. It helped me on my essay SO MUCH, i wrote a 7 page essay in an hour in the quote that was given to us, and being high for the poem analysis helped SO much. It was great. Im definitely doing it for all my exams, except for math i would suck at math high haha.

    To all the people thinking "what an idiot, shouldn't be high at school", i controlled myself and only close friends knew :) It definitely made me do better though. My hand didn't hurt either from writing so fast for so long :smoke:
  2. loll sounds straight dude i got a D on my physics exam and an F in math and i didnt smoke at all this week just goes to show the person causes failure not weed....if that makes sense. but i picked up some bud today to reward myself.
  3. Back in high school we smoked before finals. The deal took a while so we had 5 minutes to smoke a blunt a block away from the school. He rolled it fast on my back and we lit it as we walked to the test. We put it out once we saw the Assistant Principal, this was in the middle of the street in front of the school. Good times.
  4. bold: Maybe consider stopping smoking more than a week in advance next time?

    I finished my last exam today and will have marks by friday but i an confident in how i did. Also i haven't smoked since christmas so i would spend more time on my studies. It worked pretty well.
  5. well dude this week i was focusing on studying instead of smoking because lets face it as much as we all love weed to MOST people its a big procrastination tool unless youve smoked for years and can only function high but not all people
  6. Well it depends on the person. I studied physics till half way through second year (stopped due to funding issues, not failing lol).

    I smoked on occasion before exams. Not a lot i'll admit, but just a little, just enough to get that relaxed feeling. So that it doesn't interfere with your mind too much :)
    I wouldn't claim it made my exams much easier, but it sure took the stress edge off
  7. Yes it takes the stress off^^^
  8. I've went to about 3 exams high and I'm not sure if it helped me or not but it was definately a different experience lol
  9. You kinda missed the point there man. A week is not long enough to spend focussed on exams. A LONGER break than a week is necessary and stop smoking completely or at least cut back a lot.

    Personally i stopped for the last month to finish ISU's and prepare for exams.

    But now that its all over its time to chill and smoke up.
  10. I think i did pretty good, like got an 80% or something. I never studied though, cause its english. Actually thinking about it.. I never studied for exams ever. I havent studied for something for longer then 30 minutes since like grade 7, and im still doing pretty good :smoke:

  11. dude why areyou rewarding yourself? you failed two exams (i know a d is technically passing but i dont consider that good by any means) this is no cause for reward maybe take a break from smoking and focus in school because you really should try your best in your education i still smoke everynight in my last semester of college but i have a 3.9 so i know i can handle comes first man
  12. I dropped out of highschool, and started smoking after that. I went to most of my g.e.d classes and took the test baked. I was in the top three highest scores in the class :hello: I can't wait to finally go back to school and study to work while high(Just turned 20 but I haven't had the money for it/can't get financial aid).
  13. Haha getting baked is so good for homework and shit 2

  14. D on physics but F on math?

    isn't physics like... a more advanced math... lol
  15. Defiantly dont go high during math or foreign language.
    but i did a writing exam while super baked I aced that shit it was so easy while high i had so manny ideasssss about the topic.
  16. i smoked before my math and got a 27.5%....

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