well hello

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by k train, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. yo whats up im 19 from massachusetts, i live in a very small and rural town and because the green river does not flow through here i grow my own.

    I am currently growing 3 cinderella 99 plants, 1 apollo 11 plant and 2 white russians because i just cant seem to get enough of brothers grimm seeds. ive been smoking since 7th grade, when i first found out my father smoked.

    i have a lot of experience and knowledge i like to share, not just in bud but ive done many other things such as lsd and other lysergics, shrooms, ketamine, mescaline, dxm, opium, 2c-i and 2c-b and dabbled in some other things like salvia and DMT. but those things are very sporatically used and for the past month its just been weed and shrooms
  2. Its nice to see another green thumb up in here :smoke:

    See ya around the city :smoke:
  3. Welcome to the city :hello: It's awesome you grow your own buds. Sounds like you'll be real comfortable here.
  4. Welcome to the city man...
    I too live in mass, also in a rural "middle of no where" town.
    Its crazy seein all these massachusetts folk around here... especially ones that grow pot! :eek:

    me and you need to have a private convo :cool:

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