Well goddamn, anyone else having some trouble...

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by legalizeme, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. ...Hooking up with a girl. I'm on such a drought right now it's funny. Last time I got any was the end of christmas break, so like 3 months ago. SHIT. That's a long ass time. Wait, never mind super bowl night, but still it's around 2-3 months. Last night, had about 3 opportunities at a bar. One ended up leaving early so I figured I had a chance with some other ones. It actually looked like it was going to happen, then out of the blue, she turned fucking cold. I don't really know what happened. She left with me and 2 other girls and then walked to her friends apartment down the street.

    The fucked up think is that my friend (who is now "dating" or hooking up with a girl he really likes) hooked up with a girl last night and went back to her dorm. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Shit he's always been that guy though to be a player and whatnot but c'mon. How can he be so hot, and me still so cold. It sucks that the last girl I hooked up with was really really hot, so my standards went up a bit. Not too much, but it's noticeable. I haven't made any drunk mistakes at all. Pretty happy about that, but I don't know if I would rather be in a drought? Drunk mistake or just not hook up with anyone?
  2. dude, you got it all backwards, but i never drop standards.

    so to each his own.
  3. Number one cause of drought is playing out of your league. Get back to AA and I'm sure things improve. Dont press though. Desperation is pussy's kryptonite, and they can smell that shit out a mile away.

  4. he sounds more minor or little league, you have to respect the woman first, even if it is just for her beauty, learn to respect that. treat her like a woman, but, make her validate herself, don't just please her and be the guy who is her entertainment for the night. you are entertainment no matter what, because you're that interesting, but the key to being interesting and holding that entertainment is to not just do it at whim for them, make them work for it. make her validate herself to you and there is no stopping how many you can bring back in one night.

  5. this post is just amazing for so many reasons
  6. I would think that I'm playing out of my league but I'm not going for drop dead gorgeous girls. And it's not like I'm even "looking" for girls. Because I let things come to me. I'll step up once the opportunity is there, but it's not like I go around hitting on all the girls.

    I could tell a couple were digging me, but I didn't close. And I'm not acting desperate to get some. I blame my drought to my focus on school. Because I did fuck up last semester and right now I'm studying my balls off trying to get a 4.0 which is well in reach as of now. So last night and Friday night were my first two times going out this semester. That's probably why I haven't gotten any in a while. Oh well, I'm starting to go out more so I'm sure the girls will come. And I there's two girls that I could most likely hook up with if I wanted to, but I'm not crazy about the idea of it.

    Don't get me wrong they aren't bad looking at all, it's just I don't like them enough to invite them over to hang out. Actually one of them might be coming over this week to watch a movie I told her was good and do some homework. I'll probably make something happen if that situation comes up. But it's all in good fun. Thanks for the feedback
  7. your problem is you gotta commit or not commit, they can smell even the hesitation. if you feel its a moment for a kiss, and you don't act, then the next time you try to make a move it won't work. you have to act in the moment and be the 'prince charming' she wants to see so deeply down within her.

  8. True that. I normally get that timing right, like when it's that moment to make a move. Even if she's not expecting it at that time, I'll do it, and for the most part it has worked in the past. I guess I just need to find a situation where I have the choice to commit or not.

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